I'm suffering with Anxiety and I can't eat hardly anything always had a good appitate b4 I had my 1st panic attack 9 weeks ago. I only eat a yogurt and mashed potato. It's so frustrating and I'm starving.
Eating problems: I'm suffering with Anxiety... - Anxiety Support
Eating problems

When I first began having anxiety about 5 years ago I had no appetite what so ever. I had the constant knotting in my stomach from all the nerves and panic.
I have an appitate I'm hungry all the time but is just terrified to eat any sold food which I've done all my life. It's ridiculous I try not to be hard on myself and take it day by day but 9 weeks later and nothing has changed.
What makes you terrified?
Chocking I'm a bag of nerves just eating a yogurt or mashed potato. This all started for me 9 weeks ago when I got my Anxiety tablet Quitenpen stuck in my throat and had my first panic attack at 42 things have been awful ever since. I can't even go out of fear I'll have an attack which has happened once 6 weeks ago in Asda it was Savage I was so far from home which scared me even more. I have bipolar disorder on top of this so things are just crap right now.
Bless your heart! I totally understand what you are going through! First off, I am sorry you are feeling this way! Secondly, about 3 1/2 weeks ago, I had HORRIBLE anxiety hit me out of nowhere! My appetite flew out the window in a flash! It has been the worst bout of anxiety I have ever felt. Recently I have started eating like I used to again which in turn is getting my bowel habits back on track. I feel like so many things that happen with me are psychosomatic but knowing or thinking that doesn't make those feelings stop. I wish you well, and hope you begin to enjoy your foods again <3
It's Savage and not fair. Can't live like this going forward I have way too many responsibilities. It sucks big time. But I am trying to deal with it and do meditation and all the other endless things the MHT tell u to do. Thank you hope it leaves you too soon.
Hi ktbm
I had this problem about 6 years ago. My anxiety started out of nowhere and I had so much 'fight or flight' going on inside me that my body wouldn't let me eat. I couldn't even eat a grape in front of my husband. I was put on citalopram and had CBT which helped. I still can't eat when my anxiety gets really bad but I help to manage it with relaxation and meditation. If I'm calm then my body is calm and I can swallow more easily. It's your body's natural way of protecting you. When you are anxious your body goes into fight or flight and it shuts down your digestive system to conserve all your energy to 'run or fight the enemy'. Useful if you're running from a tiger but not useful in our modern life. Now you've had an experience choking on a tablet you are associating it with all food. Your brain thinks if you swallow you will choke so its protecting you by not letting you swallow. Try to relax and tell yourself that you have never choked on food before. Also distraction works. Try listening to something or reading something while you eat so you aren't constantly thinking about swallowing.
It's called Phagophobia. Many people, including myself, have it. First, if you're taking small bites, you're not going to choke. I know, when eating, you'll find that hard to believe. When eating, try to distract yourself; get into a tv show, read the cereal box, etc. Also take a bite and keep chewing and chewing, until you just find yourself swallowing without thinking about it. When eating, take a small sip of water and picture the food sliding down. You can visualize it like a water drop sliding down the window or a skier sliding down a slope.
These are tricks I use. Remember, eating is natural and you are NOT going to choke with small bites.
Anxiety affects a lot of people in the stomach. The stomach tenses and it's very hard to eat. I suggest speaking to a doctor about it. It's important that we eat as healthily as possible and if you are not getting the vitamins and nutrients that you need, you will feel even worse. Is there a time of day or night when you feel less anxious? If so, then maybe you could eat at those times. Some people feel less anxious in the evenings and can eat more then. Also, try to fit in protein bars and protein drinks and carry them with you so that you can snack on them.
I nearly chocked last night on abit of weetabix the panic set in straight away it was scary. It took quite alot of seconds to go down after drinking lots of coke. Its doing my brain in why cat i eat its been 4 months now just living on soup which i hate mashed potato cant eat that no more as some got stuck a few weeks back and yoguart is ok but thats even got stuck yep yoguart. Im wasting away i have no energy. I feel stuck in a bubble i dont know what to do. I tell myself "feel the fear do it anyway". Not as easy as it sounds.