Giving up : Does anyone just wish there was... - Anxiety Support

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Giving up

Ffaiers profile image
17 Replies

Does anyone just wish there was an 'off' button where you could die peacefully without hurting your family ?

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Ffaiers profile image
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17 Replies
Savannah_claire_ profile image

Please don't give up. Life is hard, and I know sometimes giving up seems so much easier but you will be happy one day. Just take a deep breath. Everything will be OK!

I completely understand where your coming from. You are not alone.

LaneyDay profile image

Time to go to the doctor I think sounds like you have suicidal thoughts and although you should not alarm yourself please take care of yourself and get help xx

Ffaiers profile image
Ffaiers in reply to LaneyDay

I am seeing him on Tuesday. I have suicidal thoughts but not active ones or plans. Unfortunately I know the difference. I'm Just tired. Had this condition nearly 20 years. Thank you for caring xxx

Mindfulness4 profile image
Mindfulness4 in reply to Ffaiers

did u ever have a break from it?

Paulina21 profile image

I've been in bad places , still have difficult times but the sun will shine through again like it did for me .Please don't give up , happy times around the corner just waiting to return xxxxx

Lbk64 profile image

Hi Ffaiers,

We all have thoughts like this sometimes. Anxiety is tiring. Feeling lousy when you should be feeling happy is tiring. I've had anxiety most of my life and I'm in my 50s. I used to think my family wouldn't miss me if anything were to happen, because I was tired too. I felt that I wasn't needed or even wanted. The thing is, we do matter. We are wanted. We matter to everyone around us. More than we know. Be kind to yourself. Make sure you're getting plenty of rest and good nourishing food.

It does get better. The good times eventually outweigh the bad. Hang in there and trust that things will work out ok. It may be time to see a counsellor, if you're not already of course.

Evie18 profile image

Many people feel that way; sometimes. But, try to remember the times that you felt life was precious and worth fighting for. At the end of the day; we all make our own choices. My mom who was 87 was suffering and very tired. She stopped eating; she is now dead. She will not get to see her grandchildren marry or to smell another beautiful flower.

kenster1 profile image

just about everyday.

PaulaL profile image

just hold on, everything will be OK, i know is hard to believe in it sometimes, but will be, just ask for help and everything gets easier

Jeff1943 profile image

Ffaiers, no matter how long you've had anxiety disorder or how bad you have it you can still recover and enjoy life. I presume you've received medical attention, medication and maybe therapy for this during those 20 years but clearly it isn't working for you.

I think you should see your doctor and explain your feelings and go on a course of medications that work for you. Meds aren't a permanent solution but they will give you a break from your troubles during which time you can explore more fully the self help solutions that have enabled so many people to regain a happy outlook on life.

Many years ago there was an Australian doctor who was suffering from anxiety, she didn't have a lot of confidence is psychiatrists but she worked out a method for herself which she used to overcome her anxiety disorder. Instead of fighting the bad feelings and symptoms she decided to simply accept them for the time being. She managed to convince herself that her symptoms were just over sensitised nerves playing tricks. She reasoned that be accepting the symptoms without fear her nerves would eventually lose their sensitivity and return to normal. She came to the opinion that her sensitised nervous system was being constantly recharged by fear. So she stopped fearing the worst everytime some new symptom came along which she was able to do because she understood that anxiety symptoms (and the secondary depression that often comes out of the constant anxiety) were caused by glitches in the netvous system. They weren't signs of real organic illness, they were fakes. So why be terrified of fake feelings she reasoned.

It worked for her, she recovered, and if very occasionally she felt anxiety again she employed the same technique and it always worked. That woman was called Claire Weekes and she decided to share what she had learnt with others by writing a shortish book about her technique. That book is titled 'Self help for your nerves' in the U.K and 'Hope and help for your nerves' in the U.S.

The book was written donkey's years ago but if you read the reviews on Amazon of which there are several hundred you will see that 90% found her Acceptance method Very Good or Excellent. It has certainly been responsible for untold thousands recovering since it was published half a lifetime ago.

You may well find that Claire Weekes' book can provide a turning point in your life.

Bluecup profile image
Bluecup in reply to Jeff1943

And Dare - a book that has the same perspective and mentions this book! I've had anxiety on and off for 15 years, and I'm convinced taking the power out of the symptoms is the only way I actually can - and am able to- recover.

Gigglingrandma profile image
Gigglingrandma in reply to Jeff1943

In 1968, I came across her book, Hope and Help for your nerves. I had been to a Dr. And was told it was all in my head. After her to g the book I read it from front to back. I do not believe they had meds back then other than hard core psycho meds, so 30 years later I finally got on meds and I am Li ing a good life. I can do all the things I never could before because of fear. It is a great book. People don't like meds, but for me, it has been so much better.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Gigglingrandma

Gigglingrandma, so happy to hear that you are living a good life and doing all the things you couldn't before. I'm glad to hear that you found Dr Claire Weekes book a great book. Most of all I'm glad your doctor found a medication that has helped you go forward in life. Life is Good, when you are anxiety free. Thanks for sharing your journey. x

miarose profile image

just had the worst day of my life,couldn't stand up, felt faint all day,anxiety very high,had to ly down all evening..went out visiting friends last night,was in good form going to bed..soon as I got up this morning it amazes me how this can happen..seemingly for no yes I did think to myself. if I was dead I would have peace...but I have no intention of killing myself, it was just a passing thought..such a horrible horrible day...not looking forward to tomorrow. xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to miarose

Hi miarose, it's been a little while since I've seen you on line. I am sorry you are experiencing a little set back. It happens to all of us. Possibly it was too much stimulation for you last night in visiting with friends. You might have not felt it last evening but it hit you in the morning. Depending if you drank alcohol last night, that could play into it as well. Since alcohol tends to dehydrate you.

Try not to anticipate tomorrow being a repeat of today. You know what they say about the power of suggestion. Anxious people don't need that. When you go to bed tonight, try some relaxation and deep breathing in order to calm your mind. Make sure you are well hydrated today and have some food as well.

Today may have been a horrible day but tomorrow the sun can shine again.

Feel better miarose. We are here if you need to talk. x

Maribee profile image

When we are in pain, whether physical or psychological we feel this way...depending on the degree of helplessness we feel.

The thing is, if you pressed the button then you might be missing out on something wonderful somewhere down the line.

I often feel that it would be so easy, just to go in my sleep, know nothing, not have to endure the daily abuse, pain and dis appointments of life......

My abuse support worker gives me insight into why I feel this way and I always feel so much more hopeful when she leaves.

Is it pain ? Depression ? Alcohol abuse ? Drug abuse ? Physical abuse ? Mental abuse ?

If you can put it into words, maybe I can help in some small way.

I would like to make you feel that you are worth more than you feel at the moment, I can tell you have lost your sense of 'self'..........a kind of hopelessness.....

If you feel like sharing your thoughts I am a good listener.


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