So this is my first time posting and I just wanted to share because a couple of days ago I was working out. On one of the last workouts, I was moving fast and sometimes coming up breathing hard and running over to get water. But I felt as if I needed to breathe in while drinking. A few sips in, I feel something I never felt before. It felt as if my throat closed up and it's like I tended up while spitting my water back into the cup, wondering what the hell happened. I was able to eat and drink after. But right after eating, I kept thinking about what happened and gave myself more anxiety. Forgot to add that I have been stressed out. When I got up from the couch to drink some juice my throat tenses up again and it's like it tensed it up right before getting to the back of my mouth. I tried to stay calm and talk to my girlfriend on the phone. I eventually calmed down and was able to drink again. I just want to make sure that I'm not the only one who has experienced this. Has anyone else experienced this?