Been dealing with allot off stress these days biggest problem my son off 19 has moved in with me.biggest mistake..he is ungrateful. Demanding, selfish, lazy rude person..he speaks to me like I am a piece of garbage and I have cried many times because of the bad things he has called me. .. I know you all thinking well chuck his ass out and yes I should. I have told him just last night I'm done with his utter disrespect and like always he had plenty to say. . I have been seeing someone new and he has issues with this as well cause according to him because his younger I have a mental issue..I told him last night his causing my anxiety to get worse he said so who cares. I went to bed just crying..
The physical symptoms has become so bad I think I'm dying everyday. My left side of chest is always aching and burning. When I open my eyes it starts..I'm so scared of it.. When I get the sharp shooting pain from my top of breast to my back I like jump up.
I'm at this point that I want to say f everything and everyone