Hi ive not written on hera in a while as my anxiety has been fine but tbis morning i wo1ke up and my anxiety has shot through the roof?? I dont know whats triggered it ive been so happy and ive just found out im gonna be a nanna for the first time ive been ovwrwhelmed then this morning i felt sick and got the nervous runs too the loo now i think ive got something seriously wrong with me ive had a pain in my tummy for a few days so now i think ive got what my mum died of i know its really stupid i absolutelyhate this feeling and i cant seem to snap out of it someone please reassure me x
Does anyone else suffer with health anxiety - Anxiety Support
Does anyone else suffer with health anxiety

Hi Natzsteveo,
Congrats on almost being a nanna! That's great! I can understand why you might feel overwhelmed--but it's a good thing right? Sometimes our good nerves give us the same symptoms as other nerves. You're overwhelmed and that's perfectly understandable. The mind/gut connection is a strong one. When I have panic attacks, sometimes a stomach ache will accompany it. And every night I make at least one trip to the restroom.
Try to relax and do something nice for yourself. Perhaps also maybe get a journal and write down all your feelings about this new change coming in your life.
I wish you all the best.
Hi Natzsteveo
Sorry to hear you're feeling stressed and unwell. My son very often has tummy upsets and is physically sick with stress so we know how you're feeling. How about trying to use distracting and calming techniques? A nice bubble bath or a good book. If it continues and your worried might be best to see your doctor, there are lots of tummy bugs going round at the minute. Hope you feel better soon and enjoy preparing for a gorgeous little one 😁 They really are such a joy and nannies get all the best bits. Take care xx
Sorry to hear this. Yes I have anxiety too. I worry about so much. I was just thinking your Mum was a Nan too? Is this triggering you a bit or not? Please excuse me if not. You will be a great Nan. I think you will be ok physically but if you're worried go to your doctor and even for the anxiety, talk things through. Pm anytime and good luck.
Aa you say, the thoughs about being a nanna have overwhelmed you. Just relax and know that all will be ok. 😊
Hiya Aunt Tashaa, a super congrats on the amazing news! You'll be a great Nanna as much as being the 2nd mummy we love so much! This might give you something to look forward to and could possibly take your mind off a few of your problems. Me & Simon have had some fantastic news! All these problems we've had since Feb have all been dropped and he's aloud back home with all his family and back to normality & Since we've had this amazing news I've been a lot better with my Vertigo (as the stress was making it sooo much worse) my health anxiety has not crept up on at all recently! So with a bit of luck with having something to look forward to could take your mind off a few things!
And I know this may sound stupid but I don't know if you've heard of those fidget spinners? My kids have got them cus obviously there the lastest craze lol, but they work wonders with me when i'm having or starting to go into a panic attack or with having the health anxiety just spinning one of those in my hand whist reading takes my mind off it. So I would say invest in one and give it a try.
All the best and hope you feel better soon! Love to you and uncle Wayne! Love you so so so much speak soon! xxxxxxxxx