At the end of my rope with nausea! - Anxiety Support

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At the end of my rope with nausea!

kama24 profile image
14 Replies

It will be TWO YEARS this coming September that I have had severe nausea 24/7 Yes, I have had all kinds of tests imaginable, tried all different "remedies", both natural and prescriptions, Nothing has helped. I have never vomited and frankly am thankful for that but the feeling is horrible. My life is now greatly limited as to what I do. Not only that but I am afraid this is a for ever thing. Is anyone else in such a situation? Thank you.

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kama24 profile image
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14 Replies
kmerritt profile image

This has been me lately as well. I wouldn't say I have the nausea 24/7 but definitely periodically throughout the day. It has made my life a living hell lately so I understand your pain

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to kmerritt

Thank you for replying. As soon as I open my eyes in the morning it is there. It was first thought that it was a withdrawal symptom from a long time med, but after 2 yrs just doesn't seem possible. Now they think it is from a nodule found on my 1 adrenal gland, causing too much cortisol. I totally feel hopeless and don't know how to go on like this.

kmerritt profile image
kmerritt in reply to kama24

It is definitely frustrating not knowing for sure what is going on with our bodies. I have terrible health anxiety currently as well which I'm sure does not help the nausea

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to kmerritt

Oh boy can I relate to health anxiety! I even went to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy classes to learn techniques to help over come NO avail. I know to my husband, daughter and friends it is almost laughable....a chest pain is a heart attack, a stomach pain is cancer, feeling short of breath is lung disease, a bad headache is a brain tumor and on and on and on. The only thing I can say is that I don't run to the doctor with things, I frankly dislike going to drs. I also know when I am being illogical but cannot control it.

kmerritt profile image
kmerritt in reply to kama24

I am terrified of the doctors. I am extremely illogical as well but I can't help it. My unwillingness to believe that I am okay even caused a fight between my boyfriend and I this weekend. He is frustrated and says I should go to the doctor to ease my mind so I finally made an appointment. But they can't get me in until august 10th

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to kmerritt

lol we sound like twins! As I have told my dr. I am logical enough to know when I am being illogical!!! :-) but cannot stop it. My family gets so frustrated with me ...I do understand how they must feel but not sure they know the grip this has on me. Ohhhhhhhh yes...."well go to the dr. and find out for sure!" I hear it over and over.....they DO know that if and when I DO go I must be seriously worried something IS wrong. Oh my,Aug 10....for your family dr??? I am very lucky our GP usually sees you the day you call or the next day. He also phones you with any test results and if you need a prescription renewal you just call his office. He is an "old time doc". I am still fighting the nausea since 7am and its now after noon hr. This is my life it seems thus fear accompanies it since it has been nearly 2 years. I truly wonder if it is the nodule on my adrenal gland.

Brumchick profile image
Brumchick in reply to kama24

Hi. I understand feeling nauseaous.I myself had 24/7 nausea for over a year .From i opened my eyes in the morning until i fell asleep.It was so debilitating i often just burst into tears as it was too much to cope with without a break from symptoms.Mine was related to severe M.E and it seemed the nerves responsible were in overdrive due to my hyper nervous system.I found some relief drinking ginger tea.Eating small amounts of sugary food like ginger cake or ginger biscuits and also lemony stuff helped as wrll.juice of a lemon mixed in water etc..I alsoo got help eventually by taking cyclizine 50 three times a day ans also great help by taking buccastem sub lingually ,but i had to stop the sub lingual med because i had an allergic reaction to it.I hope some of these tips can help you.

Wishing you speedy relief


kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to Brumchick

Yes!!! it is morning until night & often hard to fall asleep. I cry a lot now. I never used to. There is no let up and it feels hopeless. I start to shake with panic. It is even wore when I am alone. I tried ginger tea but it didn't help, also several prescription anti nausea meds. I also tried crystalized ginger pieces. I do have Ativan sublingual for when the fear is over powering. I will google the 2 you mention. My life is greatly dominated by this. I'm waiting to see an endocrinologist as my creosol blood levels showed up high. Worse part is I am scared of going to doctors and totally paranoid about going into the hospital. They found a nodule on my left adrenal gland. I don't think they would do anything to help calm you if in a hospital. I honestly wish I had the nerve to end this at times but I don't.

kmerritt profile image

Unfortunately I just moved back from school and my old doctor is no longer practicing so I had to set up an appointment as a new patient with a new doctor. I suppose I could go to urgent care but I don't think they would give the appropriate attention to the issues at hand and assume I am just looking to get a prescription handout. I am pretty nauseous this morning as well. Usually in the middle of the day I settle down but the mornings and middle of the night are the worst

kama24 profile image

Frankly I don't think ER or walk in clinics really have any answers or time for people with panic/anxiety attacks. Yes, with a new dr. it would take longer, you are lucky to even find one taking on new patients! It was actually a naturopath who decided to do blood work for cortisol the "fight or flight" hormone we all have which is at it's highest when you wake up and simmers down later in the day. I am really scared about facing this alone for 3 days coming up. Yes, I have people who will call me but not near by. I always found evenings were the best but now I will sometimes wake in the mid of the night and there it is! It can really make you feel hopeless and alone.

I can relate to this.Mine only started late last year and I really have no idea what to do.The worst is when I get nauseous when I'm outside.I can't seem to enjoy my time outside anymore..especially when i'm with my friends :(

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to keptainicandozatt

Hi, they even tried meds used for nausea after chemo on me but to no avail. Mine is pretty much 24/7 now. I also find the nausea makes my panic worse....the thoughts of "what ifs" and will I always be like this. I had to go to our family dr. yesterday and am waiting to see an endocrinologist. Frankly I feel I am no longer in control of myself, the panic controls me.

keptainicandozatt profile image
keptainicandozatt in reply to kama24

Same here.I've read about taking deep breaths and sipping iced water that can help with nausea,but tbh none of it works for me.I can relate to what you said about the panic controlling...I immediately think that I'm going to throw up and then my heart starts beating really quickly and I start feeling chills all over.And I really hate it because it makes me dry heave a lot and it's really uncomfortable.

kama24 profile image
kama24 in reply to keptainicandozatt

Many think that nausea would not inhibit enjoyment of life, but that is not true! There are times when it is impossible to think positive!!! I've even tried meds they put people on for nausea after chemo, but to no avail

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