My mother died three months ago and I have been going through a lot of stress since then because she died suddenly (she had health problems) and I couldn't comprehend why it happened so I spent my time talking to doctors to find out the reason why it happened. I suppose is part of the grieving process we cannot accept our loved ones death and the grievers have to search for reasons why it happened, it's not very rational but it's and after effect after having a traumatic experience.
During this period I was having random dizzy spells lasting 2-3 seconds and followed by rapid pulse for a couple of minutes. The dizzy spell and pulse did not happened at the same time, and the rapid pulse did not happened before the dizzy spell.
The dizzy spell did not feel like the room spinning around, it felt more like unsteadiness like I was just about to loose my balance and faint.
I went to the cardiologist, he did an echocardiogram, ecg, holter monitor and stress test but he only said my pulse was fast while doing the stress test but he couldn't see anything abnormal. I am worried that they are missing something, I didn't have any episode while doing the stress test or wearing the Holter monitor, and that is the confusing thing, you could have all the test come back with nothing abnormal and have dangerous arrhythmia, because if it's not happening while they are doing the test they don't know if there is a problem or not. The only solution would be to carry a monitor for 6 months and hoping that you get an episode while you are wearing the Holter so they can confirm if you are having a dangerous arrhythmia or not.
I am worried that these episodes mean that there is something wrong with my heart and I am getting anxious when I go out because I worry that maybe next time I will collapse and die. Can an expert or someone going through the same problem give me some advise? Thank you for your time reading my post.