I have ben taking Ativan for 38 years...4 2mg a day. My psychiatrist completely took me off. It has been 9 hours and I can already feel withdrawals. Do you have any advice to help withdrawal symptoms??? I am so scared, Ann
Help: I have ben taking Ativan for 38 years... - Anxiety Support
You should taper it off gradually, see your doctor soon to arrange this, if it was me and I had any tablets left I would cut down from 4 to 3 a day for a couple of weeks then 2 for a couple of weeks etc Talk to your doctor aboutit.
Ty Jeff for answering. I have been to the emergency room, one psychiatrist was involved but he was very negative. I never saw him they just called him. My general practitioner said she would never prescribe Ativan. I have no one to help. They gave me a prescription for a strong antihistamine, a pres. for nightmares (I have PTSD) and said that would do the job. Oh, and one a day valium for 3 days. Are they just stupid or mean? Anyway, ty for responding. Ann
Ann, your gp should surely understand that you are COMING OFF Ativan but because you have been on it so long need to taper it off gradually or (say to gain her attention) the withdrawal consequences could be serious. Refer her to goldie's references. I would have another go at her, tell her it is so bad you had to go to ER, say your fear the consequences unless it is tapered off gradually over several months!!! If you've been receiving it for 38 years they can allow you a few months more to come off it, talk to the person who's been prescribing it all these years, I presume that's the psychiatrist, contact them and explain about the need for gradual withdrawal. Best luck.
annbama2748, I was on a small dose of Xanax for 30 years and when that no longer worked was put on Ativan for the next several years at high doses. I wanted off of all benzos. I followed the Dr. Heather Ashton's Guide for Getting off Benzos. My psychiatrist printed out the schedule for reduction. In order to wean slowly and safely, it took me 2 years in reducing the doses every 2 weeks. (that's how minimal the dosage was reduced)
You must never stop a medication like that cold turkey. Please let us know how you are doing?