Has anyone ever....out of no where, felt like they were short of breath, and the next thing you feel the dreaded panic start to encase you? Of course you worry if you are going to pass out, or worse.
Just curious!: Has anyone ever....out of no... - Anxiety Support
Just curious!
Yep! All the time. That's anxiety for ya. It's ridiculous
Yes, I know how that goes all to well. It comes and it hits hard.
Yup and I have to keep taking deep breaths every so often . And it feels like my lungs get full yet I can take it all in . So strange
Yes Everyday
what is the remedy for this....the naturopath has given me tranquiliy drops and at times I feel helping. One month + now with shakes for the nausea....still trying....we all want to be normal and happy.....is there no option
I understand. Big hugs and keep seeking new solutions.
I had this happen to me yesterday it sent me in a big panic that i ended up at the doctor
I so understand and once it starts it is very difficult to stop it. I think I have tried every possible treatment out there for panic attacks and disorder. Frankly the MD and physciatrist seem to have their hands tied on ideas that will help. It is really amazing how strong our mind can be.
Yes but you cannot faint from an anxiety attack. The dizziness you feel is actually from hyperventilating and taking in too much oxygen. When you next feel like this hold your breathe for 20/25 seconds then breathe out slowly. Keep doing this until the feeling subsides x
That's good to know! Every time I panic I get the fear that I will faint but it's never actually happened. It makes sense though because of all the adrenaline going through your body, in the face of an actual threat fainting obviously would not help the situation.
Me too I saw my therapist yesterday and she gave me this tip! X
I have just had an ultra sound of my adrenal glands which produce cortisol, normally it is at it's peak in the morning when you first wake, it is the "fight or flight" hormone. My reading was very high and the panic at it's worst when I awake. Am awaiting the results. Many years ago I had a physciatrist tell me that if you did pass out you would not stop breathing your system would take over for you. Our family dr. just called. I had an ultra sound of my adrenal glands done this week. It did show up a nodule on one of them I now have to go for a CAT scan. I guess the blood test that showed my cortisol level is high in the mornings was a good thing to have done.
When you panic your blood pressure goes up due to the adrenaine so its likely you wont faint. Its only when its bp is low you can you can faint. Just make sure you eat regular keep the blood sugars up and plenty of water.