You might be in some dark times right now but there is an end to the tunnel. Through the healing name of Jesus, I pray for strength to you to get up and do it anyway. I pray for healing on all of you. You're in my prayers every day. You WILL get through this, just BELIEVE.
I want to tell y'all something: You might be... - Anxiety Support
I want to tell y'all something
Means so much to me ❤ same to you !!
Just believe in what exactly?

Let's not go too deep on this. Some believe; some do not; most are questioning. Let's leave it at that and move on.
I agree with you daryl there are groups elsewhere that will cater to this guys kind of group
Simply stating that I pray for everyone here and for everyone here to believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel and to stay positive. I shouldn't have to join another group for that. Lets mesh.
Please don't go, stay right here. Thank you for the encouraging words, not a day goes by where I don't pray and believe that this too, will end. Have a good one rockster321.
Hey Darryl,
I understand your duties as an administrator. I was stating that I pray for everyone on here and that I want everyone here to believe that there is a way out of this. I certainly wasn't forcing anyone to believe in Jesus. I think the moment we accept defeat, we die inside. I have struggled with Generalized Anxiety Disorder for 4 years, but before that, I had struggled with dark depression for most of my life. I found freedom in Christ and am in no way forcing others to believe in Him. We all have free will and I certainly live very happily among differences with others and don't feel threatened by it. We've all got something to give and take from this community and in 2017, there's going to be someone in a crowd triggered by something. We all need each other, and our differences or there's no real relationships being built in the community. But to reiterate, I was telling the people here to believe they will not have this forever. To be positive. That there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I have seen the Lord bring so much healing in my heart there was a time in my life when I was battling the worst depression where suicide thoughts came into my mind but the Lord then started to work in me to the point that my mind started to change and for that reason am still here....theres a purpose for everything yes I still battle with a bit anxiety but it's a whole 360 on what it use to be.
Amen, that's great to hear! You're only going to get better!
Thank you rockster
All healing comes from God though there are many different ways for the healing energy to reach you.