The sale of the house has fallen through They couldn't get the financing. Back to square one.I`m still in shock and feel kind of numb right now....
Sorry to have to tell you this... - Anxiety Support
Sorry to have to tell you this...

Hi shadow,
Sorry about the Sale not going through x
hi shadow, sorry to hear about the house sale not going through, are you going to leave it on the market?
Evening Shadow,
Am really sorry to hear your news. Am sure you are in shock. House sales are always stressful at the best of times.
I hope you are looking after yourself and giving yourself time to recover from it all.
Gardener x
Oh Shadow
I am so sorry to hear this to
Sending you big hugs & fingers crossed maybe this wasn't meant to be but don't give up hope something else will come along
Thinking about you
Sorry to hear this Shadow xx Big hugs for you xx I hope you can get something sorted soon and jump back up a square or two xx Donver
I'm really sorry to hear this.
I'm sure someone else will be along soon to buy your house.
Nevertheless it is very disappointing for you. Xxxx
Hi Steve
Really sorry to hear your house sale has fallen through, this happened to us when we moved a couple of years ago so know how stressful it can be, try to stay positive that you'll get another buyer soon. I'll have my fingers crossed for you
Jules x
Sorry to hear that steve hope you find another buyer soon xx
Bugger!! That's an absolute stinker Steve, so sorry sweetie. Don't get down, (I know that's a ridiculous thing to say) but it will sell again, you may even get more for it as apparently property is really on the up again. Good luck Steve. Best regards. X
Hi Steve, sorry about the bad news, you were so looking forward to renting your own house after the sale.
Sending you good vibes.
Eunice x