has anyone have shaking hands and heart feeling super fast for no reason and wierd like you about to choke and cant breath i felt like this morning On my way to school i could use my phone and see me hands shaking and when it calms down it goes really slow
Good Morning every one : has anyone have... - Anxiety Support
Good Morning every one

Maybe you could take your meds like the doctor told you to do.

Agree with JimTom. You HAVE to want to help yourself! We cannot help you or we would. Everyone here would help each other and we'd all be fine. But it's not that simple, you HAVE to take the iniative yourself and take your medicine like everyone is telling you.

i did but still
Still what?

having sypthoms for some reason alot of times my left arm hurts it comes and goes and the sypthoms are daily and mostly every day
Take the medicine your doctor gave you, they might take some time to kick in, your doctor didn't give you them just for the sake of it, you were given them for a reason.

yeah the docter didnt give it to me the only think the docter gave me was beta blocker and a phyctrist gave me paxil meds anxiety and panic attacks
Do you tell your therapist everything you talk about in this group? Do you tell your doctor everything you talk about in this group? And if so what is their response??
i did somtimes but not everything because they might think im going crazy i tell them just a bit nervous to tell them every sympthom i get and tommarow i see my therapist
You need to tell them EVERYTHING you're telling us! Do not leave out a single detail! They can help you ALOT more than we can!
yeah im going too
If you don't and get back on here posting everyday. You're not helping yourself, you're ultimately hurting yourself.
yeah i explain to the docters alot of times they told me its anxiety and panic attacks but also these new sympthoms had came out no before it was different stuff just my heart and my arm feeling numb went to the ER everything was fine now all this i been talking about hit me out of no where
Well I know HOW scary these feelings can be, but if they keep telling you time and time and time again you're fine. You eventually HAVE to accept that! I had several ecgs, blood work 2 times, stress echo, and 48 hour holter monitor at the beginning of April. For the past week I have been dealing with "missed beats" and heart palpitations. Haven't been back to the doctor about them, yes they have stressed me out and have been a bit scary. However the doctors have told me there is NOTHING physically wrong. I have to ACCEPT that these symptoms and sensations are purely anxiety. Plus the more I think and worry about them the more I have them and the more pronounced they are.
yeah but i feel physically pains and sypthoms daily i dont really believe its anxiety
i started taking the medication today but i been having fast heart rate and really slow at rest plus sometimes some pain on my left arm
Jimmie, did ou really take your meds? If so, that is wonderful. Please don't just be saying you did to please us, ok? That's not necessary.

Yes i did today
Well, then you are starting to help yourself. Great.

Yeah hopefully just not trying to get bad side effects
how cant this be anxiety i feel like my nervous system its messed up to my back what is a pinched nerve may i ask its like i cant relax my body at all i twich my back like move it when i get up from layingdown it setting down its like i cant just relax and i move my back in order to try to calm down my body and heart from beating to fast i dont get this for real
yeah i know but how does that sounds ? the stuff i told you does it really sound like anxiety
yeahh its just making me go crazy
its not asking for attention its just that im really going through this and this is what is this website for to post for all that it wouldnt be made then if it wasnt to post how you are feeling and yeah i do but everytime i say something it worries them alot or they say if the docters say your fine what else you want us to do you want to keep going to the docter they tell me thats why i dont say anything to them anymore before they start saying im crazy thats why i rather post on here
You can post whatever you want. I think what people are saying is you should be more open minded to listen. If your Dr is telling you it's anxiety you need to trust they've done the leg work and diagnosed you correctly. It's easy to tell yourself it's something else but by doing that you just allow your mind to take over. I'm sure we all do that to a degree. Eventually you need to take some deep breaths and accept what's happening. Then you can start healing.
yeah its been a little rough wish didnt smoke weed that day been stuck this way for 5 months and i havent smoked again thats the wierd part and me and a friend smoked same thing he was fine i was going out control my heart was racing like crazy after that day been getting all types symthoms and heart rate sometimes go really fast then really slow
If you go to the doctors and explain to them all these pains you are having... left arm, ribs, shortness of breath whatever you been posting here... he or she will do a physical with bloodwork and all... if you have done that before and everything was good then it is anxiety and you are just obssesing. Listen man I get it. When I first started this nightmare I posted ALOT because I needed some serious reassurance. I thought I was losing my mind. But I did take my medication to help myself out. When I got Dp/dr as a teen I was like you. I obssesesd over physical symptoms a lot. I thought I had every illness on the planet. That's because back then I didn't know it was Dp/dr. Now that I am older and it's happening to me again I know what it is so I'm more focus on the mental health than physical. Do some research. Educated yourself about what you are going through. We can advice but we are not doctors. You have been complaining about arm pain for a while. I think if it was a heart attack you would've had it weeks ago
Oh, Jimmie, you are having a bad day and are asking the same type of questions that you have for months. You know what I'm going to tell you, please
Take Your Meds and No Alcohol.
You know we are concerned for you, wish you better days, and hope that you help yourself by taking your prescribed medication.
Next week I will be at sea, and wifi isn't always reliable. If you don't hear from me next week, it will because of that, not that I am ignoring you.

Alright thank you for being here for me i really doo i have no one else to talk to family think im just going crazy thats ehat i dont tell them how i feel
Wow your so rude he just so worried about his heath gosh I thought this website was to help not worry about how much he wrote damn.
You can post as much as you want . I don't understand why people are being ignorant and condescending . This is an anxiety page and people with anxiety tend to feel alone because others don't understand their condition plus having anxiety makes you overthink. I'm so disappointed with the rude comments on your post .
Ignore them don't even respond . I was going to directly comment back to someone but didn't bother . Just know anxiety does manifest itself in many physical symptoms . You're not alone .
Absolutely . Take care and stay strong .
im trying my best its just my heart thats worrying me the most and the physical sympthoms ive been getting
It's understandable . Anxiety comes an overwhelming amount of physical symptoms .
yeah but daily and mostly everday for no reason sometimes it hits me out no where
Yes you have an anxiety disorder . Trust me, I've been dealing with it myself . My best advice to you is find what works best for you and train your thoughts . Tell yourself it's anxiety , you been through it before and survived it therefore you'll survive any other time
yeah thanks for being here for me
Why do you come onto here Johnnie, is it to communicate with people or have you got an addiction to it. You know for months every person here has tried to help you along with your doctor but you don't pay attention. Every time you feel a pain or something is not right you post it on here.
So how many times do you need to feel something is wrong only for it to stop, when it does stop is it not enough to tell you that it is only anxiety and there is nothing physically wrong with you.
Do you think that constantly posting it on here is going to make things better or it's going to stop your anxiety from kicking in or do you think that posting it on here constantly reminds you of your anxiety and you don't allow yourself to get away from it.
We have all tried to help you, but we can't keep doing this, we can only say so much to you, you need to do things for yourself. Your doc gave you meds to take but you seem reluctant to take them even thought they might be what you need to get moving.
You baffle me Johnnie I just don't know what to do or say to you anymore..
Every single time I have an anxiety attack. I also shake so hard my teeth chatter. Taking your meds would really help take those symptoms away.