Hi, I'm wondering if anyone else suffers from random anxiety, feeling dizzy/all over the place and heart races constantly, for hours and even days! I do suffer from anxiety, however this time around it's been so constant it's starting to really bug me and scare me. Does this happen to anyone else or is it just me?
Constant fast heartbeat: Hi, I'm wondering... - Anxiety Support
Constant fast heartbeat

This has happend to me feel like i was going to pass out iv been suffering with dizzy spells for a few weeks went to hospital in the end eveything was fine just anxiety you will be suprised what it can bring on
Have a peek at my breathing post. X
Crewe, there are 23,500 people who have visited this forum and I reckon all of them have suffered from your symptoms at one time or another. So it's not just you, far from it. If you haven't already discussed this with your doctor then you should. You need the reassurance that the trouble is anxiety disorder. But if and when you get that reassurance that it's anxietythen accept that you've seen someone who trained for years and years to give you the correct diagnosis and accept what they say. Anxiety is very, very good at imitating physical illnesses so it's easy to be misled into thinking your doctor has got the wrong end of the stick.
Constantly stressing about the symptoms of anxiety, like your dizziness and racing heart, only makes your nervous system more sensitive and prolongs the illness. So just try and accept these glitches that your nerves throw at you and accept them with a minimum of fear and angst. If you can frame your mind to temporarily accept these symptoms as irritations that are of no serious consequence and carry on as normal you'll hasten their departure by desensitising your nervous system.
The other thing to ask yourself is what pressures in your life are responsible for you getting anxiety disorder in the first place. There is no problem in yhe world that can't be solved by the application of human thought, if you can neutralise whatever caused this then that will greatly help your recovery. Sometimes removing the original cause of our anxiety state requires drastic action and means putting ourselves first for a chance. You're not always going to feel like this I assure you.
I have had anxiety and even panic attacks and have been in therapy to Embrace the fear, good self talk, and it will subside. Good book to read is Embrace the Fear by Judy Bemis and Amr Barrada, they both suffered with Anxiety and depression and feel it is your self talk that leads you to panic.
We are going through the same thing my freiend like i have heart problems i been to the hospital plenty of times and saw a cardiologist but still feel like something is wrong plus now with heart racing stuff now im getting spasm on in my body like twiching where my heart is like like musle spasms and my vision seems to be wierd like unreal dream like and ts like i always get these really bad headahes if i be outside for to long it hits me this all started aswell for me when i smoked some weed with a friend of mine we smoked the same thing he was calm but i was going nuts out control my heart was exlerating really fast thought i was going to die it was racing for 30 minutes only way i calm down was when i threw up this was 5months ago by the way and i still stuck like this feeling all these symthoms that i never experinced before and they are physically it just to much symthoms that i dont even wanna tell a docter because he might think im just going crazy till this day i still see that friend and he tells me you still like that your heart racing and im still good he tells me bro he's like its just your mind because i was fine and i cant believe you still this way mean while i was under alot of stress that day plus the weed was pretty strong i only took 4 or 5 pulls and it was a crazy now im stick this way barely could do anything like if the smoke messed with my head or body before this happen i was smoking for two or three years sometimes the weed had my heart racing and sometimes it would have me calm and laughing but before i wouldnt pay it no mine but that one day it change me for these last 5 months ever sense that day sense it hit me that hard i never smoked again and i still feel this way can you believe it the docters did a lot of test aswell but idk what to do anymore problem do have panic disorder and anxiety disorder all in once