Hi Everyone, I'm new here and an looking for support as I find it hard to speak to family and am an Anxiety sufferer.
I apologise if this is long as also I'm going to try and explain as best as possible.
So I'm not sure if this is just a new anxiety symptom or actually something health related.
I have been experiencing odd breathing symptoms, first it started when breathing out I felt like I could not get a full breath out. As the weeks have gone on I'm now getting the following
Feels like pauses in breath, like my breathing stops for a second, but I can feel it in my throat like it closes for a second.
I'm also get feeling in my chest and up to my throat that my breath is taken away.
I also get these feeling when I'm talking, can be mid sentence and it's like my breath stops and again can feel it in my throat
It's like no air goes in or out for a second
It's really hard to explain
This is happening every day now, sometimes constantly and other times it happens for a bit and goes away.
Like now if I talk it feels like the air is not going in properly to my throat
However I constantly feel that something is wrong with my breathing.
When it's a bad episode I do get a little dizzy and do start to panic, like I need to find the nearest A&E
I'm so scarred 😔
Just a couple more points, I went to the Dr when it first started and he sent me for an ENT, the first one I saw said must be Reflux as I also had other throat symptoms.
I'm taking a course of Omoprozol.
I saw another ENT who said I had Narrowing of my Nasal passage and Mucas in my throat. He prescribed a steroid Nasal Spray but feel made my breathing worse so have stopped that.
I'm going back to him in about a week.
I want to point out I don't feel my breathing problems are coming from my nose. I don't feel I have enough Mucas to effect me that much.
I do have to clear my throat sometimes though.
Just a note about my Anxiety, I have had OCD since I was 15, however have managed that pretty well over the years, I'm now 37
About 5 months ago I started getting thumps in my chest and loads of Palpitations, I have had a heart monitor that said my heart rate was increased but that was all, pretty sure that was anxiety.
I have had a Chest X Ray, blood tests all fine.
I started to have Panic Attacks which are totally rubbish, and loads and loads of other symptoms which actually go eventually. It's never ending plus the constant worry day in day out, some says I just want bed time to come to get some peace.
I have visited the Dr so many times.
However this time I'm totally freaked out and convinced that next time I have an episode of this breathing I'm actually going to stop breathing.
Any help, support, others with same I would love to hear from you.