This is my first time doing something like this. I would visit a doctor but I am back home for Christmas and don't want to burden my family or friends with anything so I am dealing with this alone. But I'm getting really scared and tired.
So I have had anxiety for a while. I manage it, I get by with it but at work a couple of weeks ago, I had a flutter feeling that ran up my chest. It lasted literally a couple of seconds but it was a new feeling. It wasn't my heart skipping or dropping like it normally does before a panic attack but it like shivered up the middle of my chest like between my breasts and it took my breath away. Then I started feeling like I was about to have a panic attack but I think that was the fear I had with this feeling I just had.
Anyways, since then, I can't get this idea that my heart is going to stop out of my head. My mother died from a cardiac arrest back in 1997 and it's all I fixate on. I'm not having feelings in my heart or palpitations or anything but like a dull pressure in the middle of my chest and the feeling I need to burp and a pressure in my throat. Is this all in my head or is there something wrong with me?
Thank you!