Had my first therapy session almost two weeks ago and I felt a lot better the next day and all the way up to this morning. Health anxiety had crept back after seeing a scare mongering click bait post come up on my Facebook feed (I didn't click to read the article) about signs of lung cancer has got me fretting about my health again, having weird tingling sensations, mostly on my left side, no pain though, holding out on making yet another Dr's appointment as I do think it's just anxiety playing games with me again. Does anyone feel so much better for a while after a therapy session and then crash? Thats how I feel, like I've crashed
Was fine for a bit but suffering again today - Anxiety Support
Was fine for a bit but suffering again today
Colani, it is very normal to walk out of therapy in a high and feeling everything is going to be alright. A few days later, something comes up that threatens those positive thoughts and the cycle of fear starts all over again.
I literally have my therapist on speed dial lol for moments like that. I came crashing down this morning, had a session and back to feelng positive again. I'm sorry a scare on your Facebook reopened the fear wound for you. Unfortunately, anxiety can be cruel. Take care. x
Thank you Agora, I wish I could have my therapist on speed dial like you! I have to wait another two weeks for my next session as she is on annual leave. I know it's anxiety playing games with me, I just have to keep remembering that and try to distract myself as much as I can. Keeping busy seems to keep the feelings away, sometimes it's hard to do things when the anxiety is bad though.. almost feel like I am having a battle with myself.

Keep using the forum for support Colani. Remember we are always here for each other. x
I have health anxiety/OCD too. I just want it to go away. It's ok lingering this time.
I'm really feel up with it, I've had the health anxiety since June 2016. Been to the Dr's so many times, been to the hospital several times.. every time nothing wrong except acid reflux. Last time I went to the hospital was because I was so dizzy and in panic.. had heart tests and blood tests, all were clear, but I burst into tears while there and they told me that it was anxiety and to get help. I had to go on a waiting list, but started two weeks ago now, I'm hoping it will help me get past this! I didn't want to take any medications for the anxiety as I don't think they would solve my issue.
Do you get therapy?

I had gone for such a long time and was feeling a lot better and then I stopped. I should not have stopped. Actually changed but he was not the best therapist at all. I just called today to make an appointment. I got a recommendation from someone who has worked with these two women so hopefully one of them will be of some help. I really do think therapy is key!
Anxiety gives us all sorts of strange frightening sensations , tingling being one if many !
Your not alone ..lots of us suffering from anxiety .
Your back ground / wealth is of no significant !!!!!
Keeping yourself busy and taking your mind away from thoughts helps a lot ..
Hang in there and don't let's it beat you , if you don't fear it you'll become stronger and less fearful each time you have sensations from anxiety ..
I think we live near each other or am I mistaken ?
Paulina ( Leigh on sea area )