Hi everyone. I've posted several times about my left side chest, arm, shoulder and jaw pain. It has been 5 months and it's not letting up! The only thing that doesn't hurt every day is my jaw, I've gone probably a week or so without that bothering me. But the chest, arm and shoulder is on and off all day, every day.
I have been to the doctor I believe 6 times and the ER once. I've had a lot of tests..
Numerous EKGs
Chest x-rays
Blood work
Stress echo cardiogram
I guess I should add...
I'm almost 38 (in 17 days)
No risk factors
BP and cholesterol are good
Has anyone had something similar? I don't really have any shortness of breath or anything like that. I guess I'm just wondering if I've had enough tests. My husband and family and friends said after the normal echo that this has to be muscle tension. I do have a little discomfort in my shoulder when moving a certain way but my chest isn't affected by moving so how can that be muscular?! My jaw doesn't hurt to open or chew! So I don't see how this can be muscular either.
I hate that this has taken over my life.
I keep thinking what if they missed something on the echo?! I was always the person who was relieved after a normal test result, but I haven't gotten that reassuring feeling after these tests.
Can anyone offer any advice or suggestions? Thanks!