I have just started my forth week of Sertraline, it has been amazing so far, in the first 3 weeks I had no symptoms of anxiety, I could go out, eat, drink, travel and I felt really reassured that I was 'cured'. However I went out a few nights ago with some friends for dinner, my stomach was a bit upset due to a weekend of food after food after food (felt fine while eating it) and I had a small relapse. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach, I was shaking and my stomach was churning at the dinner table, it dented my confidence in this medication as I was feeling so well until then.
I hope this is the side effects kicking in and in a few weeks or so I wont have any mini episodes. My anxiety is mild anyway now (I stopped having panic attacks at the start of 2017) but its still there, you forget what it feels like until it hits you again.
Has anyone else had minor issues on this medication? Should I wait it out until I feel better? I have my anxiety review on 3rd April with my GP.