I have a long history with mental health. I have been on a number of different antidepressants however have now come back to Sertraline. The doctor started me on 100mg for the first few weeks and I did have some side effects such as increase in anxiety which I had expected but that subsided after a few days. 4 days ago my doctor increased my dose to 150mg. The first two days were fine, day three I felt high and abit dazed however today my anxiety has returned. It is manageable/tolerable but just wondered whether this is again to be expected and for it subside with some time. I just have a sense of panic, lack of control and racing/pounding heart. My doctor said I could be over simulated and suggested a decrease back to 100mg however I wasn’t sure if to wait it out a little longer. The doctor has left it to be to decided as it’s me who knows how I feel. Any advice would be great.
Sertraline : I have a long history with... - Anxiety Support

Did 100 mg do the job anxiety wise?
I guess I felt ok. There was anxiety but I was able to work through it. On 150mg I feel like I have gone backwards. I’m going to go back to 100mg and pray that this anxiety goes away. Why does mental health have to be so complex.
hi Tom, I just found your post and wanted to let you know that I’m also on 150mg for the past 5 years. It has helped me immensely! I just wanted to let you know that everytime you up your dose of meds the body has to get readjusted so you can most definitely have an uptick in symptoms and it can feel like you are moving backwards again. Fear not, it will even itself out you just need to be a little patient, which I know can be hard when you are struggling already. I have found great relief going from100mg to 150mg. Good luck!
so sorry to hear that. I hope you have found the right dosage for you and are feeling better.