Has anyone ever experienced being in public and feeling off balance as if you'd fall?
Dizzy, unbalanced feeling : Has anyone ever... - Anxiety Support
Dizzy, unbalanced feeling
Everyday unfortunately
I also get it everyday. Went to a Homeopath 2 days ago with all my aches and pains and the tissue salts that she gave seems to be helping. I'm almost too scared to feel OK.
yes regularly,often too scared to go out-but mine isnt anxiety -due to undiagnosed headpain, pressure and swelling

What do you mean yours isn't due to anxiety? Rainbow
because it isnt-said why.

Hi rainbow, noticed you'd posted on this site. Hopefully that means you're reconsidering your diagnoses? It could be very helpful for you.
so ? and in response to Toxicity's post and no because they arent correct--not depressed and believe me i know what its like to be depressed and all my conditions/symptoms are formally diagnosed -facial/joint deformities confirmed by GP's/ consultants.

Sorry must have missed posts. The last I saw you didn't have those symptoms diagnosed. Must be a relief. Why the 'so?' comment?
YesMmee for sure. Its called vertigo. Sometimes it feels like the stuff around me is moving. I get it especially in shopping malls and big open spaces.
This is a really common symptoms we anxiety sufferers get!
I feel it like i will going to faint and whenever i see crowd i feel like i am going to faint with dizziness
Me it's 24/7. I have the feeling I will faint. Even in my house just sitting down. It never goes away.
Yes I always feel like that it's been over a year and can't seem to find my cure
I've also been having this for 3 months now. Some days worse than others but never really goes away. I've had lots of blood tests etc,all normal. I don't think I'm anxious but no other explanations
My Homeopath also said my anxiety is better but still I have all these symptoms and all other organs are fine.
Yes I have the problem
I had it for 6 months. Not in public only, at home as well. 24/7 simply. I remember in walmart it attacked me. I really thought I was goint to fall. I went to freezers and got frozen pack to put on my neck, anyway, it is Anxiety. Im on lexapro generic and I dont have those sensations any more. Im fine in publuc now. Thanx God.Try AD it will help you!