Hey guys! It's been a while since I've written a post. I've actually been doing great until recently. So about a week and a half ago I had a client (I'm a cosmetologist) that was really sick so after finishing her up I took a shot of apple cider vinegar straight. It burned like crazy. I proceeded to do it again the next day, and since then I have been having dull chest pains, and having to clear my throat, not much but a little like constantly all day. I'm not sure if these chest pains are related to the apple cider vinegar but I believe that's when they started, as I stated about a week and a half ago. I'm going to the ER in the morning to see what's going on and I'm really scared. I'm so scared that it's heart related or that something is terribly wrong and that something bad will happen. I'm afraid to go to sleep in fear of not waking up. These thoughts and the fear of what these chest pains are is consuming me.. I don't know what to do.. all I could think was to come here to talk to you guys about it... smh I hate feeling like this. It's like my health anxiety has been terrible, a couple months ago I has an MRI because I was having headaches and feared the worse and everything came back normal. But I can't tell if these chest pains are Health anxiety or if something is really wrong. I just want the morning to get here so I can go to the dr but I'm afraid to go to sleep smh
Worried so much that I can't focus or sleep - Anxiety Support
Worried so much that I can't focus or sleep

The cider vinegar taken neat may have burnt a little but that is all I would imagine and as you know the more we worry the more we feel things and lack of sleep just adds even more
You will wake up if you go to sleep and you will get to see the Doctor and I imagine just like last time with the scan everything will be fine
I am so pleased that up till now you have been doing so much better , and I am sure you will be back on track very soon again , maybe look at therapy to help dealing with your HA because it will always try and creep up and bite you on the bum when you least expect it but if we have the tools we can soon pick them up and put it back in place where it belongs
Let us know how you get on at your appointment
Take Care x

Hi lulu, thank you so much for your reply and words of encouragement 🙂. I'm getting ready to head out now. I will let you know how it goes. I'm so nervous 😩
You may have a mild burn from the vinegar that caused some reflux or maybe you're fighting whatever bug your client had. It's good to get it checked out.
You're right! So all of my blood work for my heart and ekg came back perfect, and he said I'm very healthy. My esophagus is a little irritated from the vinegar but he said it will heal on its own. Thank you guys soooooo much ❤️❤️❤️
Glad everything was ok. I get like this a lot, when I lay down to go to sleep I feel my heart beating so fast I have a panic attack. It's gotten much better lately, thank God. I just wanted to comment on the apple cider vinegar. I take it every day with a squeezed lemon and warm water. I was told that you should never take straight shots of the vinegar because it can damage your throat/esophagus. Mix with warm water and you'll be good to go. Best to you!
Glad to hear your doctors app went well, and glad to hear you've been doing well. As lulu said it does try and keep back up, I've been the same, been managing quite well. Over the past few weeks I've noticed I've been obsessed with my health, prodding my body and over thinking my symptoms and it's drove me mad! I really don't want to slip back to how it was before! We can do this 💪 X x x