There is an Action for Happiness community up here that I joined but didn't post in yet. I'm wondering if that is the reason I didn't get a response back from health unlocked about creating a "Happy" community. 🤔
Community: There is an Action for Happiness... - Anxiety Support
Yes there is a Community called Action for Happiness which could be a similar concept to what you were thinking of starting but there are also several Anxiety Communities as well on Health Unlocked which they have allowed to be launched on here , but they should get back to you no matter what even if it is a no and their reasons why , that would be called " Courtesy "
Email them again and ask if and when you will get a reply , it could be they have had a few proposals asking to start Communities and they have just not had a chance to look at yours yet
Hope you are Happy Today
Take Care x
So true. I will give a couple of more days and then send an email. Thanks.
hummmm I don't know. I wonder if the moderator of the site has certain rules? Yesterday was HELL. I honestly wondered if it was my time. A good friend came over for 2 hrs as my hubby was gone all day. She is an RN so really talked to me...also after a unexpected suggestion and info from my chiriopractor I am going to book an appointment with a naturopath in town. I had no idea they now treat so many ailments and can run so many tests. I know 5 people who go and speak highly, I don't ask their ailments but 2 of them went for IBS, one for nutrition and anxiety. I know they are not like a pill and you can't expect immediate help, Im willing to give it 6 months....I am so very desperate.
Could be why I suppose. But they should have replied to you at least.
So true ☺. We shall see