What hints or suggestions can members of our Anxiety community offer to newly diagnosed and those who are home sheltering from COVID-19? I will collect and share these in a post. Please reply below.
What hints or suggestions can members of o... - Anxiety Support
What hints or suggestions can members of our Anxiety community offer to newly diagnosed and those who are home sheltering from COVID-19?

Turn the tv off
in any difficult situation its important to stay strong.
Get out side for fresh air, walk, throw a frisby, anything besides just sitting and allowing thoughts to fester.
It’s good for the mind and body, our routine we had before had us moving much less than we were.

Totally agree. Exercise and fresh air.
Stick to your normal sleep schedule. Our sleep is designed around the routine we once had, changing it will mess up our rhythm (circadian) and fixing sleep schedules is very hard to do.
Life hands you Lemons, you make Lemonade
My daughter sat in her apartment while she did
a marking survey conference on line. One hour later,
she was $150 richer. Tomorrow shopping on line xx
Healthy eating. Don't fall into a trap of bad eating habits.
This works for me... A chaotic home can lead to a chaotic mind... Try to declutter
There is uncertainty happening outside but if keeping the inside organized, predictable and clean you’ll be less likely to be overwhelmed and uneasy being in your environment. You’ll feel less claustrophobic and seeing less clutter visually around us may aid in less clutter entering our minds.
Relaxation exercises (YouTube) Exercise for indoors - also on Youtube. Listening to music - sitting in the garden if you have one. Staying away from the news! Plant some seeds!
Don't lose hope. Keep believing that every moment in life is an opportunity to see the beauty around you, laugh, learn something new, love more than before, believe in the goodness of someone.