So sick of feeling like this wish I could just get better. Anxiety is a horrible thing. I can't sleep cos keep feeling like I can't breathe properly
Anxiety sucks! : So sick of feeling like... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety sucks!

Hey Lyns1411. You're right...Anxiety SUCKS! It either makes you feel like your dying or losing your mind. But just know that neither is happening to you. Are you taking meds?

I've got sertraline in cupboard but still haven't took them. I've read too many bad side effects. I don't think I would like to feel worse for 6-8 weeks til the tablets take full effect. That's a long time to feel even worse than am already feeling. I have 2 children to look after and a job so how could I manage doing this if I did take meds nd if they made me feel ill
I understand. Waiting 6-8 weeks makes no sense to me either, but it beats suffering for months or years...right? Did your doctor by any chance prescribe you xanax and Ativan? They help bring your anxiety down within 10-20 minutes.
You have to do something to take your mind off your symptoms. That's what gets us into trouble. We focus on our symptoms and we freak out. I like to color so I bought coloring books and when I feel my anxiety kick in, I color. Your kids may enjoy doing it with you. I also call a girlfriend and yap with her for a while. That definitely helps.
It will get better. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it will.
Hi Lyns1411, nene2016 is right. I know a couple months seems like a long time for the meds to start kicking in but your doctor can give you something to take the edge of until the sertraline works. With 2 children and a job, you do need to keep moving forward. I can't tell you all the unopened bottles of medication I had on the shelf until I decided to give it a try. I wrote down the time and dose on a piece of paper with the bottle sitting on the paper. Then I would tell someone that I was taking my 1st pill and if something happened to me call the paramedics. All that to get me to take my med. So you are certainly not alone with that feeling. Wish you well in trying...
Are u currently on any meds? I was doing great with the gym nd everything but now the anxiety is back and I'm not sleeping which is really hard cos that makes me even more anxious the next day. Ive got a family holiday booked for 30th April too and I'm worried if I feel like this I won't end up going. Doctors have given me lansoprazole for acid reflux and day 2 of these nd I have got pains in my stomach and back. Not sure if this is a side effect or I'm just panicking too much about it.
Lyns1411, I am off my Ativan/Xanax but still on Lexapro. I'm doing well. Like you, I needed to break that cycle of fear. It was so out of control that I couldn't think straight. I was put on Lexapro as well as Ativan and therapy which helped me immensely. Therapy was an important part with taking medication. After all I didn't want to stay on meds forever. Just needed that break, that respite, so that I could find alternate ways of taking care of my anxiety.
With having started a new med (lansoprqazole) I'd ask the doctor more about the pains in your stomach and back before starting your sertraline. This way you will not get confused as to what is causing what.
As for your family holiday April 30th, you have 2 months more than enough time to feel better by going on your med. Whenever I start a new med, I never read the pamphlets that come with it. I take it with an open mind that it will help me feel better. Don't Google and don't listen to anyone but your doctor. If he feels it's the best medication for you, than so be it. After all, he knows your medical history and prescribed what he feels best for you.
Good Luck Lyns, You have to start feeling better for your trip.
Doctors give me the sertraline about a month ago but I joined the gym nd I managed really well as it was helping me sleep on a night time but now am back to feeling like crap. They didn't give me any other tablet. They just said try that nd it will probs make u feel worse before ya feel better but since he said that it put me off and googling side effects totally put me off even more
So sorry i know it is horrible, I dont seem to have trouble sleeping thank God, are you on any med's? ive kinda decided to just stay on my trankquilizers since they seem to calm me down 3 times a day morn, noon, nite at bedtime, morn are my worst but taking this at late nite seems to get me through the morn alot better..good luck with your anxiety..