Been doing fine for past few weeks since joining the gym it has kept my anxiety low. Hasn't completely gone but it was getting better til tonight. Every time I try to fall asleep I'm getting a burning sensation in my throat. Will this be off me having a dry mouth off anxiety?? It's making me panic
Sore throat and anxiety! : Been doing fine... - Anxiety Support
Sore throat and anxiety!

I do also get a dry mouth from anxiety also I do from being emotional(anxiety) where it hurts, never at night though. I would wait a couple days and see if it goes away? Maybe it's the way you sleep. Could be from joining a gym your body isn't acclimated to stress on your body
My mouth is so dry that I have to have chewing gum all the time to produce saliva but tonight it feels a lot worse. My anxiety only really happens on a night time when I'm trying to go to sleep. The gym has been helping me sleep much better apart from tonight
Okay well that is really good, I've always found working out very good for anxiety and mine is also very bad at night time. Have you been keeping hydrated, it could do with the moisture levels in your house, it could be a dry environment, making it very hard for you, with a dry mouth at night. Maybe weather outside could affect it
I also got dry mouth it's the worse and The more you worry about it, it gets worse. I try to stay. Calm but sometimes I get so overwhelmed, that's when I get panic attracts.
Are you drinking enough water now that you are exercising more at the gym?

Yeah I'm drinking water. I've got burning sensation back in throat again and been to doctors yesterday nd they have told me to take gaviscon and prescribed me lansoprazole. Could the gym be making my throat have a burning sensation cos when I get out of breath in the gym my throat goes really dry