I feel like i cant breath from my mouth or something it feels like am holding breath am trying to relax do not want to go the ER right now ugh
Feeling like i cant breath for some reason - Anxiety Support
Feeling like i cant breath for some reason

Sounds like you may be hyperventilating. Take some deep breaths. I sometimes do yoga stretching and do deep breathing. You're ok Johnnie. I promise.

Yeah thats what am trying to do
Good. I know you're ok because you keep responding to me 😄. It will subside soon. Hang in there.

Yeah am a little bit fine now
See. I told ya. 😄

why always feeling like this doe i cant breath or something its making me worried dont wanna die anything some times i wake up like that aswell like am
running of breath and i have to get up and breath
I know. It's all anxiety and it absolutely sucks! It makes you feel like you're dying. If you're not going to take your meds you have to figure out a way to keep your minds off your symptoms. Anxiety is so mean and evil but it's what we have. You can control how you deal with it.

Yeah right now i have severe chest pains like i felt it on my legs tongling like something was going to happen my chest really hurts right now
Ok. Try this....do jumping jacks. I know it sounds crazy, but try it. Or get the floor on your knees and arch your back like a cat. Enhale while you're doing that....then when you exhale, release that arch. Do this until your heart rate comes down.

its not going fast my heart but just feel my chest hurting alot and feel a little dizzy
How are you feeling now?

Am alright just feel a little pain here and there would this ever go away would i be like this for rest of my life going to hospital all the time
This too will pass. You're just so focused on it right now, that it makes it worse. Try to get some rest. Did you take your meds today?

Hey wassup and no i havent been taking no meds at all