I feel like i cant go on much longer like ... - Anxiety Support

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I feel like i cant go on much longer like this.

Kellt profile image
18 Replies

Anxiety is the single most distressing horrid thing i have encountered in my life, that statement is quite strong and im sure many would disagree but right now i feel in such a horendous place. I am having evry long drawn put panic episodes, papls, cant catch breath, crying (alot, and this is not like me) general feeling of something bad going to happen and ill just drop down dead. I seem to keep myself busy and the second i stop the thoughts and feelings flood in. Somedays i deal with this very well, other like today i cant stop crying and feeling terrified. My exacerbation today has been due to a cardiology appt as i had a run of SVT in feb this year, he reassures me that ecg is ine but ue to svt hes offered me an invasive study with poasible ablation of the dysfunctioning current in my heart. This news was literally terrifying, i thought i was going to faint with all usual panic symptoms. But the one thing i have been clinging onto with my anxiety is that the propanalol i take with stop me from flipping into another svt but he said its not doing much good and unlikely to prevent another run of svt. Since that news i have been literally terrified and palps. I am not taking anything for my anxiety as had a very nasty reaction to sertaline and feel in some horrid limbo. I need to see my gp tomorow, as she just told me to carry on with sertraline but i had horrendous all over body chills like ice cold which triggered a manic episode. I would give anything to return to my previous state, this is like being in living hell. My husband doesnt say much, because i dont think he knows what to do. Im constantly hiding away so he and children dont see me upset. My anxiety seemed to be triggered by work and the stress levels but i have a health associated anxiety. Worrying about every heart twinge and palp.

I have been suffering with insomnia for a few months since the onset and keep experiencing the same kind of thing like as i start to nod off i jolt/jerk awake with a wave of panic but feels like my heart having palps. I feel like i darent go to sleep nut when its starting to come light things seem to ease and i can soundly sleep, this jolting is scary.

Sorry to chew ears off, it anyone an relate or share medication i would be very grateful.

Thank you kelly

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Kellt profile image
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18 Replies
Wildmage profile image

Take heart kelly. Anxiety cannot kill you, yes it is horrendous and horrible. I know how that goes. Also SVT aka supraventricular tachycardia is just a fast irregular heart rhythm. Not nice but not life threatening. Lots of treatments available ,- ablation or medicationsbeing the obvious common choices. I work in cardiology dept of hospital so do lnow this. Try to relax. Anxiety is made worse by stress if you relax your body it will calm it down. Also listen to music or self help tapes/books Claire Weekes is good although I prefer a book called "evolving self confidence" by terry dixon. Makes sense and helps understand anxiety etc.

Good luck with doctors

Mandy26 profile image

Hi. I felt like I should reply as I too suffer from anxiety and recently attended hospital to be told I have SVT so I couldn't understand more what you are going through. My anxiety started 7 months ago and was related to stress at work. And I agree, the attacks and general anxiety have been the worst things I have experienced in my life to date. You feel completely powerless. I haven't been taking any medication, I vowed I would get through it myself because I thought if my kind can't cant conquer it (as its all mentally stimulated) then what medication can. I am pleased to say that although I have the odd attack every few months or weeks, I feel better.

I also suffered the waking from sleep with palpitations and it is horrible. I would keep myself awake just to stop experiencing it. What helped me so much was slowly but surely getting on with my life. I found the more I sat and curled up into a ball, the worse I felt as I was allowing it to take over. It was so hard though. I took a week off work and started to do small things like walk the dog, or clean the kitchen. I then started to do things I enjoyed like reading, photography. Doing things I was enthusiastic about made me forget about the horrible knot in my chest, and the bad thoughts I was constantly having.

When I first went to the doctors they gave me beta blockers but these made me feel worse. I stopped taking them after a couple of days.

My mam and friend also suffered bad anxiety and through focusing on the positives they too feel as though they have conquered the worst of it.

I hope you feel better today. Feel free to message me if you would like to chat :-). Stay strong and don't let it beat you. Also, don't focus on the svt.


Hi Kelit. No, your words are not too strong and I am sure everyone on this site would agree. "Horrendous" hardly describes it. You will not "drop down dead". All the symptoms you are having are those of good old fashioned anxiety and you have probably experienced all it can throw at you. Do not be put off too much by physical illness. (Easier said than done) his will only exacerbate the anxiety. You are having medical advice (not too subtle I must say) so carry on with that, and try not to be so disturbed by your symptoms. I feel that what I am saying is totally inadequate to the way you feel and my heart really goes out to you. I know. I had the waking with a start thing and it does go, believe me. DO NOT FEEL SORRY TO COME ON THIS SITE. And say what you like and how you feel. We have all been there and can fully appreciate what you are going through. Take heart; blessings and best wishes. YOU WILL COME THROUGH THIS. We are ALL on your side. jonathan.

Kellt profile image

Thank you all for your words of encouragement. Things are certainly worse in the dead of night but i felt at the end of my tether. I do find alot of comfort from your words and tips, this is certainky a challenge. I draw from positive days and have a think how i feel during those days. Deep down i kow logically it cant kill me but the physical side of things are horrid. My gp was a real delight today, she is very much in the jolly hockey sticks mold and went on to say the only thing she an suggest is.........5 portions of fruit and veg a day!!! Im a nurse and in all the consultaions ive seen with patients a dr has never once suggested 5 portions of fruit and veg per day as a treatment for anxiety. Then she rounded the consultation off with " so eat up and pull your socks up" Possibly the most unhelpful and patronisng thing to say to someone feeling so low and anxious. Oh well, this will not conquer me ive just to get a grip and channel my thoughts better. Thank you for your time and words its been very supportive. I hope you all are wining in this battle. Thanks Kelly x

in reply to Kellt

Sounds like the first GP I ever saw 15 years ago when I first became ill with anxiety. She said "take a few relaxing baths with some nice essential oils".......Hmmmm, yeah, that will really help my intolerably high anxiety levels! Needless to say i stopped seeing her. Some GP's have NO IDEA AT ALL what anxiety is like. It's way more crippling than "stress", it is really hard to deal with in the long term, and you have all my sympathy.

Poppy45 profile image

hey Kellt,

Your message brought tears to my eyes because they ring so true with me. I have been on a silmilar journey.

What you said about jolting awake etc rings particularly true. My doc put me on Zopiclone for 3 nights (I found it too strong and just took it on three separate occasions and only 1/2 a pill) at the same time I was put on antidepressants and 25mg of Quetiapine.

That was 18 months ago. I am off the anti deps, but still on Quetiapine because for me that stopped the racing mind and it has the bonus of making you drowsy so I now take 50mg before bedtime. I have been up and down on this medication with the doctors support as it's a relatively low dose (a friend of mine is on 400mg a day) but it has made such a difference to me.

Having a blip at the moment and was taking 32mg but gone up to the 50 again as it's better to cope than struggle constantly.

I really hope you can make changes step by step. Don't give up, you can get through this and you have my admiration for even managing with kids whilst you feel like this.

lots of love


tidi profile image

my heart goes out to you as I am feeling just the same. My pils are the same and the nights are just hell. I fall asleep in the middle of the night and dread the mornings. So it's not just you. If I ever find an answer I will let you know, in the meantime do as I do watch the tv all night or have the radio on. My thoughts are with you.

miarose profile image

hi kellt,since you had a bad reaction to sertraline,you probably should try one of the other antidepressants,like mirtzipine.I can't take sertraline either,they make me more anxious,but the other one I mentioned actually lowers the anxiety,and helps with sleep.its worth a try..xx

Kellt profile image

Thank you for your support, ive read a few good things about mirtzipine. Im gp was so relunctant to do anything with me today, she just recommend 5 portions of fruit and veg. Im reading alot around HTP 5 at the minute as its been quite successful in lower anxiety in a few recent studies and it has very little side effects....or it might just be due to the small number of the study. Im also quite keen on the herbal melt things in H+B for "nervous exhaustion". (cant remember the brand name but with the other herbal melting brands) My hubby took hayfever ones in this brand and its bees the only thing to work so im intrigued about them too. I really did wish 5 portions of fruit and veg worked although I imagine everyone would be happy as larry and this demon called anxiety would not exist. Im having a bit of tough time turning my mind around and seeing the better side of things when in a panic episode, although that said i feel like im making progress with that side of thinking. Im astounded at the horrendous way this make you feel like something looming over you. Ihave to say its not al bad though i do enjoy things and look forward to things but when in the midst of certain situations it seem to start a panic episode.

I really value your insights and find this a fanastic resource. Ive recommended to a few friends too. I truly hope this is just a blip for all of you. kelly x

Hi Kellt. OH dear! Oh dear! When will someone give those in the medical profession some training in nervous illness! It really grieves me when I hear what you have said on your blog. OK let's do away with this site, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, pull our socks up and snap out of it. So you can all go home happy bunnies and forget all about nervous anxiety. It really is that easy! Half the pharmaceutical companies would go bust (no bad thing) and we can all live happily ever after!!. Grrrrrr. Keep up the good work and keep blogging. jonathan.

Kellt profile image

Quite right, im amazed at the ignorance and lack of empathy, i may not have a limb hanging off but i still need help. Im so frustrated.how do you get on from day to day? Kelly

in reply to Kellt

Hi Kelt. I get on from day to day by ACCEPTING how I feel. You may have seen my blogs relating to Dr. Claire Weekes and her work with nervous sufferers. It took me a long time to accept that ACCEPTANCE does work, if persevered with. Her books are on Amazon and not expensive. Keep blogging Kelly. Believe me, you will not get better advice than on this site even if you pay £100 per session and some of the help is worth more than that!. Best wishes. jonathan.

Kellt profile image

Thank you, its like being in a horrid limbo. I detest these feelings ir terror, stress and anxiety, im intrigued how people cope. Thanks again. Kelly

sueron profile image

hi k,ive read your blogs,and can feel the same pain as you. i feel alone with my troubles too.I look forward to the nights,cus i can switch off...but every early morning,i wake with a wave of fear passing through me.....and my day begins. i am on fluoxotine,and have been many times before. i know in time,i will get this thing under some control,but now,when your in it,it seems that there can be no possible solution,NO happiness in life.....no future........

Kellt profile image

Sueron, its awful. The whole illness/period of anxiety is just awful and I wouldnt wish this on anyone. Im clinging on to the fact im starting CBt next week and a new job the week after as ive noticed im terrible at work and have alot of health anxiety.

Im so hoping for a solution soon. Its unbearable at times.

Hope you are nearer a resolve soon.

john80614 profile image

You should all try a thing called "Binaural Beats", these computer generated sound files are said to massage your brain and produce all sorts of effects, and are excellent for stress/ depression/ anxiety disorders. A binaural beat is created by playing a different tone in each ear through headphones, and the interference pattern between the slightly differing frequencies creates the illusion of a beat. It's completely safe and scientifically proven - google it!!

If you search the Internet for "binaural beats" you'll quickly find there's a whole industry built on the idea that listening to binaural beats can produce all kinds of desired effects in your brain. It can alter your mood, help you follow a diet or stop smoking, get you pumped up for a competition, calm you down, put you to sleep, enhance your memory, act as an aphrodisiac, cure headaches, and even balance your chakras;-)

bry123 profile image
bry123 in reply to john80614

I must also look into that as I'm so bad at night. :-)

Kellt profile image

Wow, thats sounds extremely interesting. I shall look into it now. Thank you

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