Hi, has anyone tried an anxiety retreat? If you have which one did you go to and did it help?
Retreats for panic disorders and anxiety - Anxiety Support
Retreats for panic disorders and anxiety
I did the Vipassana silent meditation course in Hereford. Not easy being silent for 10 days and meditating. It did help a bit I think but 2 years later I'm still a troubled soul
Goldfish, I often thought about silent meditation. Read some articles on Tibet and the monks and what a serene place that must be. It's hard with anxiety to take that peace and calm with you and letting it last. I guess we can only ask for moments at a time every day.
Peace of mind and body is brought about by a change in attitude towards the symptoms. Instead of fearing them, learn to accept them so that you are comfortable about not feeling comfortable. Fear is the root cause of your suffering but once you lose the fear of the symptoms of anxiety, peace of mind and body will follow. It's not easy to accept but with practice, you get there.
I dabbled in lots of different methods to try and achieve calmness but relief was only temporary. Meditation and exercise help but don't cure. A change in attitude will.
Thanks for your post. If I'd been aware of this many years ago, I could have saved over £2000 in chasing a "cure" via all those greedy though well-meaning therapists!
Well meaning but when in an anxious state with lots of anxious thoughts floating around in the head, there is the strong impulse to confess all to a therapist when in reality, those same thoughts only exist because the person has anxiety! Effectively, the therapist tries to help you solve problems that don't actually exist which could easily complicate matters, making the sufferer feel worse! In my sensitised state, I told a therapist about my "problems" with work and my marriage and was told, more or less, to leave my job and see a marriage guidance counsellor. That just made me worry even more!! I won't even mention another therapist who had me on my hands and knees shouting stuff to get rid of the anxiety. Felt like a scene from the Exorcist 😳
You may be pleased to know that I am still in the same job and married to the same lady and all those "problems" melted away with the anxiety when I started accepting the thoughts instead of fighting them. Just proves that sufferers should learn to accept and, lose all respect for those anxious thoughts and feelings and let them go. Instead of saying "what if?" shrinking away in fear, change the attitude to "So What!" and carry on.
I took the attitude that I never needed therapy, acupuncture, counselling and lots of other things before I became anxious so why should I be bothering with it now? I dropped the lot, gave up medication and focussed on changing my attitude and losing the fear. It bloody well works too. While exercise provided some respite from suffering, the only thing I changed was my attitude. I Can't give up sweet tea, I drink more coffee and eat more chocolate than ever!
Not just "like", I really, really like !