Does anyone else get elevated blood pressure when having a panic attack? I also get nauseous, head pressure, back pressure between my shoulder blades and chest pressure. Been to ER so many times, and never find anything serious.
Panic attacks and high blood pressure - Anxiety Support
Panic attacks and high blood pressure
Yes! I called the paramedics a few nights ago and my bp was scary high! But as my panic attack subsidied my bp came back down to normal. I get the tightness in my chest and numbness in left arm. Scary stuff!
I have also called the paramedics with all those same symptoms, it is scary! Thank you so much for replying. Even though I would not wish this on anyone, it good to know I am not alone.
I think its reassuring when other people can relate to you. That way you know you aren't going crazy or going to drop dead, that it's just this stupid anxiety.
Exactly Hdelmari, It is very reassuring...
mightymouse1135, it happens to be a normal reaction of the body when it feels threatened or under attack. The only difference is that it is coming from our mind and not an outside source.
It is amazing to realize that we do this with our own minds. Thank you so much Agora1!!
Yes mine sky rockets anything up to 190/110 , light headed, wanting to vomit and then really tired after and then get a headache
I've been there Jodz, like you my blood pressure would shoot up to 3 digits (top and bottom numbers) and I'm on blood pressure meds. Not everyone goes that high but it does happen. As long as it comes down to an average reading, it causes no harm. Only when it stays that high and people don't know about it, does it become a problem.
Agora1 yes I'm in bp meds as well , but it's scary to know how high it goes . But I always remember the paramedics tell me it ok , it's normal when your having a panic attack . But I hate the feeling that im going to pass out when it goes high . Do you get that ?
Not really Jodz, it's more of a pressure feeling in my head. It's not the blood pressure being high that causes that feeling but our fear of those numbers. I'll never forget the time a man and his wife walked into the fire station and I was on call to take blood pressures that day. He looked great and had just walked several blocks to the station. When I took it, I couldn't hear the top number as well as the lower number being high. After a second try, I called my supervisor to take it and low and behold it was so dangerously high, we transported him to the hospital. The whole time he kept saying but I feel okay. That's when I knew it's people walking around with undisclosed high blood pressure that can have an event. By the way, his pressure was 320/225..
Sometimes I get pressure in my head and/or weird sensations in my head. Then I take my BP, and it will be up.

mightmouse1135, it can happen but not always. It's sometimes a sign that you are dehydrated. Drinking water can help you rid yourself of that weird head sensation.
Today my head felt full and a little pressure, I took my b/p expecting it to be up, instead it was 120/80 pulse 69. So we can't always blame blood pressure on the way we feel. Even over breathing can cause that feeling or holding tension or stress in our jaws can produce that full feeling.
Try not to get too fixated on b/p, use relaxation and some deep breathing to feel a peace and calm and the head will feel better.
Thank you so much Agora1 for all the great advice. I guess sometimes when caught up in a panic attack, I sometimes forget what to do, but you are so right about deep breathing helping.
Great advice Agora. I've noticed this too. Get the head feeling, check the BP and find it within normal. It's reassuring in an unusual way to know it's not BP but unnerving in another way to wonder what is causing it. I use the 4,7,8 breathing technique to help lower it when it is high. 4 seconds breathe in, hold for 7 then release for 8. 4 rounds in total. It's fast acting and really helps me to relax.
Same here Lbk64, I check my BP when having symptoms, and find it reassuring when my BP is normal. But still makes me wonder what is causing it. I use breathing techniques to help also. I will have to try your 4,7,8 technique. Thank you!!

You're welcome mightymouse, I hope it helps

Yes I know when it's high and then is the start of a panic attack
Never even heard of those numbers! That's crazy!

They said he could have stroked out on the spot and yet I think what saved him was he didn't suffer from anxiety and so he was calm and oblivious to his health issue. Go figure..
That makes sense Agora1, all the more reason to learn to stay calm. But those are some high numbers that guy had!
My goodness and he had no symptoms??...was he older? Do you know how he made out?
Mrmellow11, That was many years ago and I do not know how he made out short of he was hospitalized. Probably in his 60's, quite heavy, and the calmest person you could ever meet. Don't forget we don't know what his medical history was besides that. It just always stayed with me that the spikes in b/p that we may get are short lived as well as we are sensitive enough to sense it. It is not an issue for us.
Hi Jodz, That about how high mind goes, and all the same symptoms. Thank you so much for replying, I am glad I am not alone, even though I would not wish this on anyone.
Whoa! That's high!
By the way, I am also taking BP meds. And when my BP goes up I feel nauseous and feel like I will pass out, it's awful!!
Omg yes 169 over 100 and higher otherwise normal or lower
Same here Chicago22, my BP is normal or lower except when having these awful attacks. Sorry you are going through this to. And thank you so much for your reply. At least we know we are not alone.
Yes. I get that. My BP goes up with just feeling anxious sometimes. I think it's quite normal but people with anxiety are more sensitive to the changes in blood pressure etc. People who don't have anxiety or panic probably have high BP when they're a soon but don't notice it. That's what I believe anyway.
I think you're rightLbk64, people like us are more than likely highly sensitive people and notice every little change in our bodies. Thank you!!
My blood pressure goes out of the roof when I have panic attacks
I feel all the things gs that you mentioned!
It is very debilitating but I am trying hard to try to change my way of thinking...hardest thing I've ever had to deal with but I know we can do it!
Thanks so much for your reply Claudiaharris09!! I agree, it is the hardest thing I've had to deal with, but I also believe we can get though this!! The way we think sure has a lot to do with it....
Read about PseudoPheochromocytoma. You'll find it interesting.
Wow!! Thanks anonymous!! I just looked it up and found it very interesting. Thanks again!!
Hi Whatnext, my BP when panicking varies from 140/90 to 200/100. The last time it was 167/93. Normally my BP is either normal or on the low side.

How long till it comes down to normal?
Thanks for your reply Bobjensen!!
When you check your bp. You not feeling good. So you already thinking something's wrong. So it will be high mine will go to 150/90 with 99 pulse. Yes it sucks head hurts and other things some numbers I here on here are crazy. But I know it's is possible with anziaty
Me been back and forward to a and e for last 2 weeks it's so scary with high blood pressure they say it's anxiety
same with my experience, after having panic attacks. i feel off balance & lightheaded almost everday. been to ER many times, my BP reading was so high! from 140/80 to170/100! the doctor told me that i have hypertension. i was so scared! im just 23yrs old.but when i get calm my bp goes down to normal (specially at home). i think due to anxiey i developed the white coat syndrome.
the ecg, ultrasound, blood chem, xrays -all went normal! negative to heart attack or stroke as well.
i know this is just because of anxiety..
some days are better than others.
I know fully know what you are dealing with. I have spent lots of money on emergency visits and all kinds of doctors . I just had an attack yesterday, while driving, out of the blue it comes . I feel dizxy, heart starts pacing amd BP goes high like 150/110. It is really depressing at times, because no doctor can diagnose why I have these attacks after several years . I see a neuro next . Most doctors think its anxiety, but when it happens I am not stressed or upset ? I dont get , how come we have no control? I did have alot of trauma in my childhood/teenage years . Not sure if that has anything to do with it. But It is well over 20 years ago ! Good luck, hope you all feel better . You guys speaking out is comforting , good to know I am not the only one battling with this .
I do!!! And an elevated body temperature! Ive has so many tests to see why I have such an elevated temperature but now it is put down to my anxiety to the point where my BT can hit 37.8 no problems. My blood pressure goes up too but that’s completely normal as they say it’s the stress that is doing that.
I called the paramedics when I was 16 because I was home alone and suddenly my heart made a weird sound and I couldn't breathe. My BPM was 140/80 or something like that. I was absolutely terrified. I had my first panic attack on Christmas in 2015 when I was 15. Now, I'm 17 and I can't believe it's been apart of my life for that long. Right now I should be sleeping, but my heart sounds and feels weird so I'mpn here. I hate this soooooo much
Went to the Dr for 2 preop appts. Having surgery this Wednesday. My BP is always elevated when I go to the Dr. Had a full blown panic attack at the Drs office so my BP wouldn't come down as quickly as usual. This is the worst, have felt exhausted and crappy all day. Very nervous and sometimes it's so hard to calm down.
yes I do always before period. my blood presure was 97.
Hi I am new here.
I can see the last chat was 5 yrs ago.
I recently have many episode of attacks. Heart beat race up very fast, but my arms will cramp up and have a sharp point to my heart. Lately I could feel that once my heart beat very fast, the lining of the heart felt hot. Any one has same symptoms?
Oh ya, high blood pressure too, been rangingin 155 to 175