I have been reading up on the different type of anxiety. Well I think I have social anxiety. I don't want to be around people,other than my immediate family, I have not been out on my own for over a week now, and that was only cos I had to. I have been signed of work until tomorrow but feel I can't go back to work cos I work with the public on a busy checkout. I have a telephone consultation with my doctor tomorrow i have been taking citalopram 10 mg for 3 weeks now and also diazepam to take as and when it all getting to much. I'm not sure where these feeling started but it has been building up over a period of time, I also have a few health issue aswell and a couple,of the are Embracing which I don't think helps me either. I just don't no what to do, force my self to go out or take it one day at a time......feeling very low any advise please.
Is this social or general anxiety - Anxiety Support
Is this social or general anxiety

Hi hope this helps.i had the same symtoms as u. I started to take baby steps and pushed myself at my own pace if u can find what sets it of that can do wonders sometimes.if u trust ur family even if u take a walk to the end of garden.etc that can help.listening to calm music or any music and jumping about helped me😃.hope u ar good soon.x
Hi Sjdard. I am going through the same thing. I have agarophobia, and I am seeing a psychiatrist and psychologist they are helping me to cope. You have to take baby steps. You are not the only one dealing with this issue. I have been dealing with this for 3 years now, and I had to stop working. I have agarophobia along with other problems. I was prescribed Lexapro.
Yes that will be good, but keep in mind, it's important not to just jump into doing things, that could cause flooding, as my therapist mentioned.
social anxiety from all you have said .
I'm what's called a wallflower lol I hate people but I find the flaws in society are amusing. But I have been trying to leave the house more lately and try to make friends