Any advise on how I can get out of this rut I'm in. The anxiety seems to be getting worse. I don't want to leave the house on my own, and I don't want to be around people either at the moment. Ive been sign of work but they call me today asking when I going to return, Im feeling pressure to return before I ready. How do I explain to them they way I'm feeling, I work for a busy supermarket on the checkout. Any advise would be appreciated.
Don't want to go out: Any advise on how I... - Anxiety Support
Don't want to go out

Maybe start taking some magnesium this might heip , and rub some lavender on your neck and shoulders .Also have a nice relaxing lavender bath with some pink Himalayan salt .
If you're signed off sick they have no right to be calling you if your doctor's note it still valid. I know that does not necessarily help very much, but it might help you feel ok about turning your phone off or blocking their number just for today so they can't get in your head. The maybe do something nice for yourself, nothing major or stressful, but maybe think about something nice you like to eat and go and buy it, then come home and give yourself permission to spend the day doing stuff you enjoy. If you can't find anything you enjoy, follow the principle that action can change your thinking much more easily than thinking can change your actions. So perhaps don't think too hard about the nice meal but just head out the door knowing that you're going to go and treat yourself to something nice. Even if it's just a chcolate bar or a bag of your favourite sweets. And leave your phone at home. If you're still feeling like this later, after you have done something kind for yourself because you deserve it, give the Samaritans a call. If you have never phoned them it can be a surprise how much it can help. I trained as a samaritan years ago so I know that they always have to ask if you're feeling suicidal, but you don't have to be suicial to call them, just lonely or unhappy or just in state of anxious restlessness. Whatever it is, just try to take some action, however small, because it will at least occupy your mind for twenty minutes if you go to buy a chocolate bar, and you'll hopefully feel better having taken some control over you head which is clearly giving you a hard time. I hope it passes soon
Thank you for your reply
You're welcome. I know it totally sucks as I've been there too many times. I hope things pick up for you soon. It can take a long time and hope can be hard to find. The best advice anyone ever gave me was to cut myself some slack but not too much and be kind to myself but not stupidly so. I still shouldn't have credit cards but I'm finally owning my shit and addressing everything. Take it easy on yourself if you can.
here a bit of an update, well still don't want to go out, not been out since Sat and that was only in the car to go and see my mum with hubby, work has put me in to see occupational health which is a good idea but I'm going to do it over the phone this Friday, just feel on edge all the time, constant ache in my chest, shaking and tired all the time? don't want to mix with anybody other than close family. I hope these feeling would do one so I can get on with life.