Me being me done the stupid thing of googling all my symptoms. I have been told I have a chest infection and have only been given an invalid and antibiotics (not taking them got told to only if I develop a temperature).. my chest feels like it's got fluid on it sort of thing? I cough and flem comes up, but still feels like I have stuff on them.. I cough when I laugh hard.. constantly having to clear my throat and swallow. I googled my symptoms and have seen all sorts from cancer, COPD, angina etc.. I am literally petrified.. can someone please help or suggest what's going on with me because I physically can't deal with this anymore
I'm over worried about my health - Anxiety Support
I'm over worried about my health

I meant inhaler not invalid!!!
Well since you are only 18 copd, angina and cancer are really virtually impossible. Most likely this is a virus and should improve over a week although the cough may persist for up to 6 weeks.
Chest pain on breathing breathlessness and high temperatures not settling in a few days are pointers towards using the antibiotic.
If you have a runny nose then it's likely this is a cold.
Its terrible isn't it. I've got a pain in my jaw and I'm convinced I'm having a heart attack! :/
Why do you think it is something other than a cold?
A heart attack at your age in association with a cough seems extremely unlikely. Why worry about this?
So why trust google? It will always give the worst scenarios, never a balanced view, as it can't afford to reassure anyone about any medical symptoms