I believe my anxiety started at least about three years ago. I was doing volunteer campaign like passing out legislature and all that stuff. Where all the stuff out of nowhere I was attacked by someone's loose dog, a pitbull. You left a dime-sized puncture in the back of my leg. The recent man who I was talking to about the campaign actually came to my Aid. He knew whose dog that was and that it was always in properly kept, it was not fenced in properly, the only blockade was just one of those rollout garbage band which it could easily slip past. He also told me that the two months prior, that dog attacks someone else's dog while they were walking down the street . I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance that he called and then I was given a tetanus shot and had my wound cleaned. the doctor told me that to spare the possible medical expense and also painful experience of taking the shots, that I was to wait 10 days while the dog was quarantined by Animal Control. As a volunteer for the ASPCA, this whole experience was shocking to me because i was never attacked by an animal before. During that waiting. I actually looked up the rabies virus online and then I flipped . I was in this constant state of fear that if I sneeze wrong if I got a cramp in my leg or even if my wound ached just a little bit... I was going to die. 12 days later I was finally contacted by the animal control and they told me that the dog was fine so I didn't have to take any shots. I was relieved... At the moment. But however I guess something in my subconscious was still unsatisfied. Every now and then I will always get these periods of what ifs scenarios. And everytime I did it will always link back to rabies. I just hate saying the word. I've been to the doctor Several times at my latest appointment I told my doctor about my leg and what happened those three years ago and if there was anything wrong with me. he told me himself that if I actually had that virus and I went untreated for as long as I did, I would not be sitting in his office right then. I was driven crazy because for the longest time I had the sensation of a lump in my throat with difficulty swallowing. once again, I thought that I was dying. only for my doctor to tell me that it was acid reflux. Gerd to be precise. sometimes my scar would be sensitive and i could feel it when i walked, especially with jeans. The nurse told me that scar tissue is senaitve and i have a puncture wound....so i have some nerves trying to fix themselves resulting in the sensations. I even been to a Ear Nose and Throat specialist who scoped my throat and told me that I was fine...just minor allergies. Im taking the medication for that atbmy reflux. The lump is still there... All of my lab test check out normal. I'm healthy as a horse but my brain still makes me think that one day im going to froth at the mouth and die. I purchased a "peace of mind" book called, "I'm Dead, Now What" for my family. 'I Can't live like this! I very small part of me thinks that if i was dead, I wouldn't have to deal with it! But I am allergic to pain, so im not jumping off any bridges soon.
Please tell me, I'm not the only one! I don't want to be thrown in a looney bin...