Can someone please tell me if they are experiencing this? I've had constant face tingling for like a while now. It's freaking me out!
Face tingling: Can someone please tell me if... - Anxiety Support
Face tingling
I get the tingling feeling all the time, on my head, on my arms, my back I get it everywhere it freaks me out
Do they just say your face tingling etc is anxiety?

I asked my doctor about it and he said it was because of my anxiety because I get it on my head and my back especially my arms

Where do you feel it??
Hi love, Lots of things can cause that, not dangerous things per se. One question I have is whether you took any kind of antibiotic in the months prior to getting that. Do you know if you did?
I didn't t
I do have some of that. I think mine is my sinus infection and maybe TMJ.
Hyperventilating due to anxiety can cause tingling, as can adrenalin due to fear.
I get it in my head face arm hands leg feet back
When I had this 20 years ago my GP prescribed Propanolol, which is a beta-blocker and slows down the heart, I believe.
Thank you guys so much
This gives me so much peace of mind just knowing I have someone to relate to. I always tend to think the worst with any symptom
Very common, not at all serious