Hi my name vannessa I'm 18 years old my heAd been feeling like I have pressure and a tingling feeling towards it on the back of it I been in bed for 1month now and I'm scared that i never get better I try standing up and going outside but it still comes up and it feel like I'm just pass out I'm really scared and I try not to stress and cry but it been a month I done brain scans cameout normAl I took some ibuprofen next day still comes back I juss wAnna be back how I was again I'm really scared π
Head in pain : Hi my name vannessa I'm 1... - Anxiety Support
Head in pain

I'm the same try to ignore it get up and go out
How wat if something bad happens I'm so scared π
It goes away when I ignore it lol
Staying indoors makes the feeling worse,..try to get out more,the feeling of open space above your head will make you feel a bit better.x
Really il try It juss one-time i tried driving around the block and I had the feeling in my head and I got scared but sometimes I think I should walk around outside see what happens I just don't want to faint or pass out because the heat does make my head worse idk why .but ima try and walk around when it gets cold .
That's how mine started when I was your age...I still get that uncomfortable tingle. It is anxiety. All my scans come back normal too. Try to stay calm And embrace it...you can do this girlie. I am now 31 and am again experiencing it. Don't be scared. π
Is it like migraines will it go away soon ?
For me it's a mixture...sometimes its just anxiety and worry and nerves and sometimes it's regular headaches or migraines. I use chamomile tea nice and warm...it is soothing. Find ways to calm yourself it helps.
Yes exactly I feel like it my nerve on the left side of my head and yea I do panic alil sometimes but I tell myself to stay calm and sometime it works but I still get that pinch feeling on the left side of my head I should try that tea.hopfully it works for me too .
I get that same feeling on the left side also. I know it's uncomfortable, it still gets to me sometimes, but I do better now at ignoring it. ππ It will get better. π
Thank you very much I hope I get like you and try to ignore it and feel better I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in this I just wanna go out again like I use to and feel comfortable.
You are definitely not alone. I get so many weird uncomfortable symptoms its hard to keep up with so I ignore it best I can. All my blood work and doctors visits come back healthy. You can beat this. I mean I still struggle, don't get me wrong, but I don't let it eat me up the way it used to. Plus I pray and if needed I cry out the frustration. I have faith in ya. Don't ever lose hope. You WILL have your life back. π
H Vannessa
Before this started, did you take any antibiotics? Some of them can cause this as a delayed reaction. I had that happen.
Yes it's a tendion headache I have that for the past days . I had ct and MRI all good . I just pray and wait for it to change
Poor you. I have similar been going on two years I haven't head scans but doc has told me it's anxiety im on propanalol but only thing I feel anxious about is the symptoms lol.. Meditation calms.you but for me didn't stop or improve the tension in the head. you could try bowens treatment its a form of pressure point treatment maybe worth a try for you. I've tried one treatment seemed good but then me car broke.down and I.had a hell of day so am gona go back.
Yea me too the symptoms is what bothers me
Okay so I've located the source of the tension that causes the headache and lightheaded feeling it's right at the base of the skull where I've researched is 4 small muscle groups that connected between the 1st an 2nd vertibrae. So what do I do now though as this sounds bang on the money... Any advice
Not sure ! I have it today please advise me also
Hi rjcv3, Now that you understand where it's coming from, you have your doctor refer you to physical therapy for "myofascial release" therapy. The therapist will use heat therapy as well as Acupressure Points. You will actually feel the release of stress and tightness at the base of the skull as she does this. It's a wonderful non invasive technique which helps to reduce the tension headache. Hope this helps.