Hi was just windering about watt to do a fell like am geting better but the thoughts about dying our am going to die is still there still get s bit panicky and scared just in case am not geting better that iam going to die but slowly so scarry anyone else had this scary thougth
Feel like am geting better but scared - Anxiety Support
Feel like am geting better but scared
Yes I get those thoughts often
It's quite common to feel heightened anxiety when you're almost recovered from it.
Thanks yeh a fell go still got the horrible thougth am dying our am going to die still find it hard to sleep because off it them am that tired a fell like am going to faint n thats ma time up but doctors said am perfect fine just my anxiety playing tricks
Yea that's my biggest issue is thinking I'm going to die soon. I keep thinking something bad is going to happen and like now for me o was kinda doing ok these last couple if days by not letting it get to me or stop me from doing what I need to do around the house for the kids but then yesterday I hear of someone I knew passed away. And it brought my fear right back up. My problem is that if or when someone I know or don't know passes away I start to feel like I may go out the same way or I'm soon to go. I am trying so hard to coach myself by saying "someone else's fate doesn't have to be my fate." But I'm telling this to a person who has been afraid of death since I was a kid. Smh. And i know ever since anxiety hit me hard in june it has made my fear of death even worse. Because even though I've always been afraid I was never this bad with. I could usually get over things easier.