Hello. So every day for the past month I have been having really bad anxiety about my health. Every little thing I feel bothers me and I completly blow it out of the water and start freaking out... To the chest pain.. To the headaches.. To the jaw pain.. To the arm pains.. To the nervous feeling in my stomach.. My sides hurting.. Everything little thing that happens I am going off the wall. I had off work for a few days cause I felt I really need to get my mind straight with this and today I went back and I took my anxiety medicine before I went and I was fine.. Then an hour before I had to leave I got really hungry and then felt like I had to vomit. Plus had rib pain and pressure in my upper stomach.. ( I am a cashier and I am constantly moving back and fourth back and fourth) well I didn't like this feeling and I instantly left work an hour early. Came home and ate very little because of how upset I was. Every day there is something wrong with me and I am so tired of it..
Something new every single day.. - Anxiety Support
Something new every single day..
I don't know why it says cocaine??? Weird

I truly can relate to your fears about health.
Omg, that is so weird it says cocaine! It made me laugh, so thanks! No harm, I just don't laugh much anymore cause I have SEVERE anxiety and a lot of similar experiences as you, but man the cocaine thing made me laugh, still is. Sorry, it's just that it's named in the spot where what you suffer from is supposed to be! 😂😂😂awww I am so sorry for your struggles, but I have to say thank you for lifting my spitrits with a good laugh...something I haven't had in FOREVER! 😊😚😃😃😃I am here if you need to talk, you and all of us are not alone.
Lol glad it made you laugh! ☺ I'm not sure why it says that!
And yes I hope all the people who struggle with that or any drug get the help they need. I have watched my step mom go down hill with drugs and it is very sad watching her struggle
Rissa i no exactly wat u feel seems to me we both have the same symptoms, can you call me? I would like to hear more we can compare symptoms an figure out a solution 7733318844
TonyHope. Hey there! I am actually dealing with something's right now and feel a bit to worked up to be on the phone.. How about you message me on here?

Thats cool i just thought you wanted to hear a voice instead of reading a post but i do understand, i really think fear is causing everything
I am always willing to talk about things.. Today I have bad chest pains.. Think most of it is made up in my head.. Who knows
Rissa this is Tony can you call me at 7733318844? I have a question about your arm pains, you can call me blocked if you dont want me to have your number my phone number is for anyone that wants to talk cause anxiety is so real an to hear a person who has the same symptoms can be healing