Hey guys! Let me start out by saying myname is Ilan and I am 20 years old. I have never done drugs except weed (twice, but NEVER again due to the effect it had on me), I never drank alcohol (except about 6 years ago in high school I had 1 shot). Also I go to the gym 5 days a week and my diet is relatively healthy. Basically, 2 months ago I had my first ever actual sickness it was a thing in the output area of the body that happens to like 70% of people in their lives. The doctor prescribed me anusol for it and basically I read the very rare symptoms for it are a severe headache and paranoia. After I stopped taking it I had this killer headache and tiredness for about 3 - 5 days. It was so bad I was basically only up for 4 hours a day (luckily it was during summer break). After those symptoms were starting to wear off I was about to fall asleep and noticed a bump on the back of my head and even though it was basically part of my skull and I swear I had it my whole life I freaked out and googled it, it said stupid things like that it was a Tumor etc etc, after reading that I freaked out to the point where I think I had my first ever "panic attack". I never experienced a feeling like that before and it really scared me! I started shaking and got really cold. It calmed down after about 5 minutes and after I drank like a whole jug of water. I went to the clinic after that and the doctor said it was just the shape of my skull... Anyways since then I was fine for about 2 months (here we are today). Somewhere around 4 days back I started having what I could only describe as mild (no pain or anything) headaches, tiredness, occasional lightheaded feelings, hot/heated forehead, tingling feeling on scalp or face, and occasional memory loss where I would place an item down and then for a short moment forget where I placed it. When I wake up in the morning everything is fine but about 10-30 mins after I start feeling the symptoms. I'm just extremely greatful they're painless. At first I started overthinking/over analyzing it (my programmer side of me kicking in) and I thought I had brain cancer because I googled my symptoms and guess what came up... Anyways I'm feeling sort of better the past few hours, hopefully it's clearing up. I think the symptoms and thoughts I was having is associated with health anxiety, and depression (mainly since I'm generally alone all my life, I have only 2 friends, none of which I talk to on a daily basis). Most of my friends are online. Also my so-called "anxiety" from what I can tell isn't caused from stress but I feel something else, as I have almost nothing to be stressed about as all my side projects and school I get through really easily. Anyways, I finally decided to see a psychologist, and I have my first appointment tomorrow afternoon (I hope it helps)!!! I haven't yet seen my family doctor about this as it takes a month to get into an appointment with her, and I'm waiting. Also I haven't actually had a physical exam (blood test, oral, etc) in about 7-8 years... My first one with my new family doctor will be in 2 months. At first I was really paranoid about it, in fact it triggered my health anxiety and since that point I think I started googling every little thing I felt to see if anything was wrong with me, on top of this I think I also have social anxiety but I'm hoping the psychologist will help me snap out of it all so I can get back to leading a normal life like other people my age...
On that note I would like to ask if anyone else is feeling as I am, or if anyone else experiences the same symptoms, also do you guys think what I am experiencing is anxiety (I need some relief, hopefully I can find some here).
If you read this far, sorry about the long/trailing post and thank you!