Does anyone else get severe neck and back of head pain with aniexty all the time
Neck pain: Does anyone else get severe neck... - Anxiety Support
Neck pain
I do Hollybolky3, and have had it from day 1 due to holding my fear in my shoulders and back of neck.
Mine hurts when I turn my head from side to side and if I put my head down quite worried think the worse like brain tumour
I had bad neck pain some days, its where we hold tension and stressed out posture doesn't help
Problem with me I think of the worse

Don't worry, we all do, neck pain is one of few things I'm not currently worrying about
What other symptons do you have please

Today, I have badly tingling nerves, its like weird not numb but kinda prickly, trying not to think about it, glad not to have a headache (touch wood)
I don't really have headaches at all
Do you ever feel sick and dizzy

dizzy yes sometime, most lightheaded - I feel like a stoner some days which amuses me, thankfully rarely do i feel sick
I feel sick and dizzy most of the time that is what I am worried about lost 4 stone in 18 months just do not feel hungry

losing interest in food is to me normal, a few years ago I lost a lot because I was in pain, I think it's a stress thing, BUT you have lost weight and you need to stay well (easier said than done) can you have smoothies?.. its easier than eating and you still get vitamins, there are also health drnks which like complan- these are just ideas - its easy not to eat, but like my doctor says you need to or the dizziness will get worse
Have you had you inner ear checked? - my gran had dizzy spells that was a ear infection, and they sorted it.
I know its not as easy as all that, alot of things that could help take more effort than anxiety allows, I would just got on youtube and find some mediation to listen to, we have to teach overselves that this is fear and we can beat it.
sorry for the spelling mistakes... I normally can write better than this
Thanks very helpful I listen to music every night in bed not had ears checked
I have this most of the time it's horrendous pain and I too like you think I've got a brain tumour then I google the symptoms even tho I know I shouldn't and yes I have them but I know I don't it's bloody Google !!! I've had the same for that long I would of defo known Abt it! Get some deep heat gel rub it on and try and relax its just this horrible anxiety ! Xx
Yes I google everything silly really I have it 24/7 even in bed
Google has a lot to answer for, never google any health stuff
Hollybolky, brain tumor never in all these years crossed my mind. I had MRIs, CT scans all
of which showed arthritis, bulging discs and cervical stenosis. Neck makes noises when I turn it, head can't stay looking up or down for too long. If I sleep the wrong way it hurts.
I use a special Kowasaki pillow, use heat on my neck and at one time even wore a soft neck collar when doing housework. Doctor said it wasn't a good idea because the muscles would get even tighter. I use relaxation and deep breathing every single day, morning and night to relax the shoulders and bring down the tension in my neck and back of head.
Thanks for that
Mine doesn't hurt only when I turn my head but if I put pressure on it say my hand does not hurt
I've had my Mri results and I have bulging discs in my neck, but as its not interfering with my spine or nerves they are leaving alone so once again they are saying its stress/ anxiety and I need to relax my muscles, she suggested I get an over the door neck traction from eBay/ Amazon and referred me to a chiropractor, I'm a bit worried about going as physio never worked and made me feel worse.
I had a migraine for 3 months solid while I was going through a divorce. I thought I had something really wrong with me because that was the first time I'd had a migraine. I went to a neurologist and he finally gave me something that made it go away. He said it was high stress plus chronic anxiety.
Yes all the time
Anyone ever figure out the cause of the neck pain and lightheadedness? I get that a lot the past few weeks. I figure it's my bad posture and anxiety.

Hi MadtownDan, Did you get it checked out by your doctor? I would guess that you are right in that bad posture and anxiety play a big part in neck pain and lightheadedness. Over the years because of the constant tension from anxiety that I carried in my upper shoulders and neck, arthritis set in with disc problems aggravating the condition more. It had started out with overly tensed muscles which caused the lightheaded feeling when the muscles got severely tight. It causes the lymphatic fluids to get closed off in our neck as well as blood flow to the brain causing momentary lightheadedness.
Heat helps as well as relaxation methods in calming the mind and body. Doing this several times a day will relax the neck muscles and alleviate that lightheaded feeling. Also important is proper hydrating. Water is essential. Whenever I get lightheaded, I know that I am dehydrated. We are never alone with our symptoms Dan... I'm glad you reached out, hope this helps relieve some of your concerns.
What excellent feedback, thank you so much! I also get ear pressure and other symptoms, but what you state makes perfect sense. I've been going to a chiro and physical therapist the past month, at least the headaches and some other symptoms have receded because of it. Thoughts on chiro neck adjustments?

Thank you Dan, I'm glad it helped some. I had a typo in the second paragraph."heat" helps along with relaxation methods. A hot towel out of the dryer wrapped around my neck and shoulders brings down the tension in the muscles and provides proper blood flow. I had physical therapy where they worked on trigger points which helped immensely.
Because of my precarious disc issues, I was told by my doctor to never have neck adjustments by a chiropractor. I wish you continued relief with your symptoms. Life is Good. Best Wishes, Agora