When you are about to have a panic attack is the worst feeling ever, it makes all positive thoughts vanish in an instant. The one thing to remember to help you through it is this. Remember your panic attacks before, look you got through them, you done it, you made it go away. You know you can handle them and just think back to when you pushed it away last time. Everyone on this page have the same thing, no one here is alone. I love each and everyone of you. Stay strong !
Anxiety freedom: When you are about to have... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety freedom

Thank you Anxiety_prisoner for your re-affirming that we are not alone, that we are strong and that we are loved. My best to you. xx
No problem, anxiety is the worst disorder I can ever imagine, my mum used to say never Google anything about anxiety ' you don't have it ' but the more I spoke to people and went to the doctors and they told me I do, I found this page and I realised what I had, I'm happy I found out everything. Makes me happy knowing I have this page as a sort of family I can rely on xx
Thank you so much. I really needed to hear that. I forget I am not alone. But can I honestly say I feel super overwhelmed living with this sometimes.
Just feeling so alone just now, it's 05.35 and the old is asleep and I sitting here shaking & panicking. Are you available to talk ?