Hi peeps. Just wondering how do you guys cope with your anxiety? Do you stay at home because you can't go out like me? Let me know guys and girls
How do people cope with there anxiety? - Anxiety Support
How do people cope with there anxiety?

Aniexty is terrible I spend a lot of time in bed feel so dizzy and sick
I joined the forum at my worst, I couldn't leave my house and didn't see anyone for about 2 and a half months. I struggle with being outside during the day mostly, even now I have been out even just a short walk but it's still an effort. If you can be bothered to read my posts or replies there's a bit more there. The biggest self help was learning about the physical causes of anxiety, why they happen and make me feel the way I do when i panic. Feel nervous still but haven't panicked in weeks may be a couple months now. It's horrible and i would not wish this on my worst enemy but it will get better. Promise
PS- staying at home is actually the worst thing you can do, and I would put off heading out "until I felt better" but it doesn't work like that... takes some determination and for me getting so angry with my own mind. It's hard I know it is.
Looking back to the day i was on the floor on my doorstep crying my eyes out, dizzy feeling sick, actually yelling out for my mum (she lives far away) and felt like i was in slow motion/dream-like because I couldn't leave to get to an important meeting. I decided I was never leaving my house again. Im not in any way "cured" but definitely not that bad any more. Fear is so powerful
That sucks. My anxiety seems to be worst in the day more than night. But going out actually makes me worth so I spent my time in bed watching tv or on the computer but that all depends how I'm feeling sometimes I'm bad than other days. And the dizziness is horrible. Dunno what to say to you about you being in tears tho

I read a great quote once and I try never to forget it!! Your mind is YOUR instrument, learn to be its master not its slave!! You will see many people on here have said you have to make yourself do things!! As soon as you think you can't then you very likely won't!! For me it's about being in control!! So not allowing the anxiety to get hold so fiercely that I can't do anything. As soon as you start to think I can't!! Get control and say YES I CAN and I get mad at that negative voice. I can only say it works for me!! And that's how I got better and go out and do things now. Yes it's scary at first but each time you do it it gets easier👍🙏🏻

I do understand what your saying!! It takes something to give you that push you need to do it, for me it was seeing my partners face when he didn't know what to do with me anymore!! I cried everyday!! I had panic attacks!! I'd had a rough time that set it all off. He talked me through it everyday!! Lots of times!! His dad had just died, then they told him I might die but I didn't. So he was traumatised by everything but he tried so hard to help me!! I was a mess. I looked at his face and he looked broken!! That's when I got angry and thought I can't be like this anymore and I can't let it ruin mine and his life!! From that day I started to get better!! It wasn't easy but I made myself do all the things I felt I couldn't do. I set a goal each day for myself. Not easy and we are all individuals and deal with things differently. I hope it gets easier for you😀🙏🏻
That's not good. Glad you pulled through it tho. How did you manage to do it? When I try pulling myself to go out my anxiety kicks up feeling anxious and my stomach gets upset. Did you ever have upset stomach? And how did you manage with it?
I did still feel anxious when I went out to start with, I felt like people were looking at me and i felt strange!! Almost like I wasn't really there and the voices of people around me sounded like echoes!!! I couldn't look at people and I didn't want to speak to anyone. I just went out for short periods of time. I'd have a wander round charity shops as that way I could occupy my mind looking at things. I'd also go for a walk, there's a nice area with a park and dog walking area not too far from me.id sit in the car till no one was around or the people there were far enough away from me for me to feel ok with it, then I'd get out and I'd walk.walking made me feel better, it made me smile😀Something I hadn't done in a good while. I hadn't driven in 3 months so that was another thing I had to make myself do. I literally drive round for 10 minutes just to see if it would make me panic. My other half came with me for moral support.i suffered nausea but wasn't actually sick. Y stomach felt like it was summersaulting but I breathed through it and told myself I could do it, just small amounts of time to start with.
I can't get in a car or public transport that seems to trigger it off my anxiety gets really bad when I go in a car. The nausea side of things is really bad when I feel sick I go through the motions of being sick but nothing comes up its horrible and I'm scared of that happening and that what makes it worst. So I stay at home in my comfort zone because anything but my comfort zone is really bad. The one trigger that triggers my anxiety when I'm at home is when my father and his girlfriends and her son comes over not sure why but that what triggers it off it starts with a upset stomach then the next I have a panic attack. My dad doesn't seem to understand why it happens.
Have you got anyone to talk too? Do you have counselling or a therapist?
I don't have a counsellor or a therapist. I just have my own comfurt zone.
Would you like someone to talk too? It may help you. They may be able to help you work out why you have anxiety? And help you work through it👍
hi macman, sorry to hear about your anxiety. my problems are two: I am afraid to fall asleep and I don't know why. It seems that when I drift off and about to fall asleep, I jump up and scream, cry or moan. This is very upsetting to my entire family.
My other problem is I am afraid of being left alone; afraid something will happen to me and I cannot defend myself.
Know that I had a terrible stroke 6 years ago that left me unable to walk without a walker. I am therefore very dependent on others. This dependence is likely tied to my handicap.
MY therapist says that I am afraid of dying and my psychiatrist agrees. I think they are both close to the truth. I think I am afraid of suffering and in need of help that I cannot get from my family.
My psych has put on various medicines that did not work. Right now I am only on Seraquil which I take at various times during the day. This helps but it has not cured my sleep habits. I have been told to take more of the Serquil but I have been afraid. But I am goin go try this soon.
ohhhhhh here it goes.... I personally have been a mess rock bottom A&E visits so many gp visits various medications.. I have also had the times during sleep wake gasping for breath also I tried locking myself away.. please don't! I try to do something which is out of my comfort zone (home) pub visits, cinema, theme park etc however I'm not great waiting in queue.. ha ha .. always here for a chat.. I'm currently working and pushing myself as I wont let anxiety or panic control me I know I can ride it out now.. however there is still times I lose control and panic but I really get mad at it as I know It cant possibly kill me and that the feeling passes Rach x

I have that quite a lot gasping for air when I'm sleeping then I wake up gasping for air feels like I stopped breathing then I start worrying because I'm scared I'm going to die when I stop breathing it sucks. For the going out part I go for walks here and there but being around people is the hardest thing ever it sucks.