I was getting a moment of peace when I noticed my brain is playing with me again. Today is day 4 on Sertraline. Booked an appointment with my GP and don't know if I have to be patient or just consult with my doctor to up the dosage . On 25MG
They are back , day 4: I was getting a... - Anxiety Support
They are back , day 4

With sertraline you will feel worse before you better. It stopped my panic attacks but i felt terrible for about a month
Wondering how you are doing now that it's day 7..
It's day 7 😊 never felt better . Anxiety comes and goes but nothing I can't control. How are you doing?
Marymel, I am sooo happy for you. x
Thank you beautiful. I read ur status and i hope you are doing well . I pray for everyone here . Whomever responded to my cries for help and whomever suffering. I pray and send positive vibes..xoxo
Thank you Marymel. today's been a tough day, I sure can use the prayers. My thoughts and prayers are with you too. xx
I've been feeling a difference.. But I had a bad day yesterday. No energy at all. At one point I felt too tired to even talk lol but today I'm feeling good. I'm beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Tonight, my dosage goes up to 50mg. Hope you are still well