Last week, I was in Disney World (YAY), from Monday to Friday, on my feet, all day, every day.
I was completely fine. No aches, No pains... I've recently lost a significant amount of weight and have been exercising regularly, so I was feeling really good.
I came home Saturday, and spent the weekend trying to recuperate. Went back to work Monday, where I sit at a desk all day. I haven't run, or exercised since.
Monday, I started noticing slight aches in my upper legs while walking. Tuesday, I had a twitch in a muscle on my arm that went away after a good nights sleep..
Since then, my legs are just plain achy. Not deep pain, just like I want to rub them and massage them achy. I'm making myself anxious that there's something wrong, but my husband says it's because I was on them all last week.
I'm really starting to get distracted by it, and my anxiety is flaring up, which I'm sure doesn't help.
Any thoughts?
(Oh, and sorry if this is TMI, but for the sake of full understanding, I also started my cycle this morning- sorry guys)