Hi everyone. I hope someone can relate to what I'm going through. I can't get any sleep. The worst streak I went on was 6 days without sleep. I get a weird sensation just as I'm about to fall asleep that's starts with my heart beat increasing, then shocks in my head, then a sudden "falling into myself" and "dying" sensation that wakes me up. And it happens over and over and over. I'm on Klonopin 1mg.. It worked at first but now it doesn't. Someone please help.
Please help can't sleep. If this keeps hap... - Anxiety Support
Please help can't sleep. If this keeps happening I don't see a future.

If it worked at first but not working now i am assuming it is a kind of drug that your body got used to it and you need more dose for it to take effect however you have to consult ur doctor about that, in case it can get addictive.
Im not sure if it is the same feeling but sometimes right before i sleep when i am extremely tired i feel like im falling or like an electrical shock through out my whole body that i wake up with fast heartbeat and fast but then i go back to sleep and it does not happen. It is actually quite normal for it to happen even if u are not on anxiety ( what i mentioned ) not sure if it is the same as what you are feeling.
Yeah the feeling you described is similar to what I'm experiencing but mines just so so intense. It's really frightening. My goal is to get off the Klonopin because Benzos are quite addictive. I might try like an herbal tea or something
Try camomille tea it really has a calming effect, i've heard alot of people use it and it helps a lot. Releases GABA in the brain.
While searching for anxiety symptoms i found what you described as '' intense '' so it is a normal symptom for this to happen.
Try using Cammomille tea and let me know what happens
Hope you feel better!
after not sleeping for several nights I had the same symptoms as you. Shocks in my head and neck just as I was about to fall asleep. Dr gave me a weeks supply of small dose sleeping tabs. No more than that as they can be addictive. I began to get a bit more sleep each night. I began to drink a cup of chamomoile tea in the evenings and horlicks just before bed, this helps me to sleep now.
Sometimes if you are on medication too long your body will get immune to it. You need to consult your GP who will advise. He may give you different meds or up the dosage. My sleep pattern is awful. I think it is quite normal to have strange feelings when fallin asleep but always mention these things to your GP as he may recommend something to help you. Good luck