Woahh well then...: Ive started my diet and... - Anxiety Support

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Woahh well then...

β€’23 Replies

Ive started my diet and exercise so i decided to join another Group on here for weight loss support.

That didnt go to well i was getting negative support people telling me its impossibke to lose 45lbs in 4 mothns blah blah blah. Ive seen it happen and too many of my fellow friends from who i attended highschool with. And i got Let down from that stupid group and i feel like and idiot and like Shxt right now.

Anxiety is hitting the core this Morning πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜’πŸ’”

23 Replies
Alan_98 profile image

Hey stop ! You can do this, I believe in you and we all do and now it's time to prove them wrong, you have the capability to do this, you really do so don't let anyone tell you other wise or bring you down, may God bless you and you will lose those 45 pounds 😊

in reply to Alan_98

Thank YOU!!!! So much.

I needed that motivation for this mornings workout. I just wanted to give up but i have Kids to care for so i have to get healthy. I know i can do this!! iam strong and young. I got it in me!!! Whoo hoo πŸ™Œ time to get rid of this anxiety and weight all at the same time. Thank you Alan God Bless you Always πŸ’

SheezusChrist profile image

No it's not impossible I went from 190 to 145 in 4 months. 😑😑 Those people just aren't doing it right. And I still had my cheat days.

in reply to SheezusChrist

πŸ’ gives me Hope

in reply to SheezusChrist

They really pissed me off all through negative shit at me i was like wow. Oh its impossible and unrealistic who told you that you can lose 45lbs in 4 months? Its bad for you bla bla. I was like My doctor wants me to lose 50lbs in 3 1/2 months for my well being. There is no excuse ill just work out hard till i get to my goal wtf. I had to get out of that group. It was so Rude.

Cwoods profile image

Dont let people get to you or get you down u have been doing good continue to focus on that.

in reply to Cwoods

Thank you 😁


Was it a group on HU you joined ?

When we post everyone is going to have different opinions and that is what they are " Opinions " and that does not mean to say they are right ! so ignore the negative comments and well done you in making a start on your new regime !

I have every faith in you and whatever the outcome is it is an achievement , you can do this and we are all behind you to encourage you :-)

Take Care x

in reply to

Yea it was called weight loss NHS and they were alllllll negative and i felt horrible.

in reply to

O dear , I am sorry to hear that :-(

Put it down to experience and don't wander of again on other sites :-D

Stay where you get support , I think you anxiety comes first :-) x

in reply to

It was actually On this website :( i thought i would of gotten the same support i het in this group but not everyone is supportive. Lol but iam Glad i have everyone from this group supporting me in my journey of getting better!

in reply to

Well stick with us we will do our best we are all rooting for you as well as we all believe in you to :-) x

in reply to

thank you πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’ͺ

loglegmomma profile image

It can be done with HARD work. Do you need such an aggressive timeline?

in reply to loglegmomma

I know i can with determination and a right mind set. I need to really need to do this!

Take no notice. You can do it. Just eat a little less and exercise (ditch the sweets though!! I know it's hard - I have a very sweet tooth!!) When I first gave up sweet stuff I really missed it and then when I did sneak the odd sweet, chocolate whatever it tasted soooo sweet that I didn't want it. So you WILL retrain your taste buds. It won't take long. Don't give up. The benefits are well worth it. !! Xx

in reply to

Yeah i Cut all sweets off too and i Loveeeee chocolate but its Not worht my health.. Iam trying so hard to eat healthy.

SheezusChrist profile image

I'm on a diet I started 2 weeks ago and I've already lost 15 lbs. I workout on my spinning bike for an hour a day. And I've been having 2 smoothies (fresh fruit with yogurt) a salad with 2 boiled eggs olive oil & cottage cheese, fish & almonds as a snack. Other days I'll switch it up. But you can do it.

in reply to SheezusChrist

Ive been eating egg white omeletes with cilantro and spinage. For breakfast or whole wheat cereal with yogurt and Fresh Blueberries. Also for snak i habe pistachios for my Cholesterol. And i drink green smoothie and water dinner i eat salad with baked chicken pieces and 40 calorie dressing. And i just bought salmon to start with fish. I also Workout 30 mins aerobic and 30 mins of yoga.then ill be walking once i get my stamina Up.

SheezusChrist profile image
SheezusChrist in reply to

You're on the right track. Reading that made me hungry. Lol I need to switch it up I think I'm gonna try some of the things you named. Do you like cycling? I burn anywhere from 1500-2000 in one hour cycling. I bought a bike so I can just cycle at home.

in reply to SheezusChrist

Yeah i do iam actually going to start walking and jogging at Mount trashmore haha :) yes ima tey some things you named like the smoothies!!

But i will be updated everyone on my process :)

skyraknight profile image

Diets don't work. Life changes do. Few years ago I was so sick of being sick. In short, I changed counsciously what I was putting into my mouth- only raw veggies, fruits and nuts. In 3 months I lost 65 lbs without absolutely any struggle. My goal wasn't to lose weight but to find health. All my anxiety disappeared . Heavy weight is not an illness an so is not an Anxiety. These are all but symptoms of an unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy body. Remove the root cause and chances are your body will regain it's balance. My energy was through the roof and I felt best in 30 years.

in reply to skyraknight

Exactly! I dont want to be on no strict diet i just. Really want to start eating Good and Healthier then. Before wow 65lbs in 3 months thats amazing! &i was being let down people telling me 50lbs couldnt be done in 4 mo ths pffft whatever. Iam Glad to hear that anxiety started disappearing thats what i want for me!

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