Well I had a call from the doctor today (not my usual doctor) and was told I need one more blood test and if that comes bk negative I will be referred to the chronic fatigue syndrome clinic I'm at last going to get a diagnosis but I'm worried I'll never get better from this 😨
Well I had a call from the doc... - Anxiety Support
Well I had a call from the doc...

Aww Hun, if you've got something wrong then at least meds should help and then you will start to get better. My sister has m.e and she was tired all the time, insomnia, weak , along with so many others X x
Thank you hun ah I just don't now what help they can give me if it is M.E I hope it's not going to be forever ah is she really bad with it too? Xx
She can be yeah, she has a stick and a scooter for when she needs it. She's on medication. I've been feeling really tired and weak myself, everyday for a few weeks now 😩 I never feel 100% it's so annoying.
How have you been lately X x
Aww she must be in a bad way sometimes oh I didn't know you could take medication for it ah I've been the same hun extremely weak just now like my arms just don't work and my heart is racing all the time 😢 xx
I'm not sure what the meds are for, weather it's for pain or what, I've never really asked.its horrible isn't it, I've been constantly worried about something being wrong over last few weeks. My legs have felt weak and felt all achey and no energy. My hearts been like that too, All kinds of wierd things. Feel so awful everyday. When will you get the results Hun? X x
Hello Twinkle
Try and see this as a positive because they have not given up and that means they will find anything that maybe wrong and make it right for you
I know sometimes it is so draining as all these tests and then the waiting for the next stage and so on we feel like it will never end but it will and fingers crossed you will get some answers
Take Care x

Hi huh thank you ah yes I hope they get to the bottom of what's wrong you're right they are still trying to find an answer so haven't written me off completely insane just yet haha its is draining hun it feels like an never ending process but hopefully like you say I should at least get some answers 😊
Take care too 😊 x
I know Twinkle nothing worse when you have symptoms yet cannot get the answers and I always think even if they cannot do anything at least if you know what it is goes someway in helping you cope so I hope you get those answers x

That's true hun it's all a nerve wrecking waiting game yes when I get the diagnosis I can work towards either getting well or try and cope through it 😊 x
Hi, I've just been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and have been given tablets for an evening to make me have a deeper sleep and to help with the aches. I'm classing this as a positive as its a step further forward to a normal life. If you want to talk we can support each other. Liz x
Omg really oh it's good to know I'm not alone but at the same time I'm sorry you're going through this too ah right so there's meds available it's weird because I don't get any pains and that's usually classic of chronic fatigue 😕 yes hun thst would be great it's good to have someone to talk with about this I'm terrified really but at least now something can be done x
The pains have been more recent, not really bad but things like hanging the washing out in stages because my arms hurt, straightening my hair takes longer, that kind of thing. But it's all positive now because I know what it is, I've started the medication in an evening and I've adjusted my diet which is als helping. Here for you Hun, we can cope with this, after all we have a 100% track record for dealing with everything else xx
Ahh that's exactly like me lifting my arms is like lifting two blocks of lead I have to keep putting them back down stopping and starting straightening my hair it's exactly the same ah yes hun we have been dealing with this as long as we have now so at least we know we can cope ah here for you too hun 😊 xx