Hi I am on Depression Forum and I am giving Anxiety forum a go to see if I can get any advice. I get bouts of depression/anxiety twice a year that last 6 weeks,then I am ok till the next time. I am on Duloxetine 60mg and don't know why these bouts start. I suffer with all the anxiety symptoms but luckily don't get panic attacks. The worst are palpitations and dizziness which last the whole 6 weeks. Through Depression forum I was advised to see if I was B12 deficient and I am so have jabs every 3 months. Have tried every holistic treatment under the sun and still the same. Any advice please from Lin
Need advice please: Hi I am on Depression... - Anxiety Support
Need advice please

Maybe you need to make some improvements to your lifestyle. I would also recommend you read the books by Louise Hay. You probably need to achieve self-love through self-care. If you feel like you don't feel loved or you don't feel happy, then you have to start doing things you love and things that genuinely make you smile.
Start by setting up a sleep schedule, wake up and go to sleep at a certain hour, create a morning night routine, practice meditation, deep breating, ayurvedic abhyanga self-massage... I have been dealing with depression for many years. Now I feel like I'm thriving and able to see life in colors again.
I have noticed that I get anxious when I have stress. See if there is a trigger....it may be something which seems small and unimportant. Do you work? How many hours if you do? I was working 7 days a week when I had my worst one, quit a job and now I can manage but I get palpitations when I have a deadline or dirty house and no help.
I used to work about 10 hours every day for a period of 5 years. I used to be very sedentary which has contributed greatly to my anxiety and other health problems. Besides, the last year has been emotionally tense.. I do get heart palpitations from time to time now yet what helps me control them is positive emotions or activities. When I had strong palpitations I would watch some funny videos, declutter my room or do anything that would help me not think about my physical symptoms and worry about them.
By the way, Charlie Hoehn's book "Play it Away" contains some great info on how to eradicate anxiety. I read it and implemented some of the ideas. They do help.
Do your depression periods show at at the same time every year?
Hi I bought a SAD lamp in case I was suffering Winter Blues but up to now it hasn't worked. I am just recovering from a 6 week bout of anxiety / depression, I can't think what could have brought it on. I am over 70 and don't exercise much but I am going to try and start walking more. The bouts come at any time of year.
Have you any advice please from your own experiences from Lin x