I've just come back from a 2 week holiday in Portugal.. My anxiety was through the roof, I hate flying and the panic of having a heart attack in a foreign country scared the life out of me.. Managed to survive the trip, although I don't feel like I enjoyed it as much as I should of done! I missed my sertraline tablet last night and my palpitations and nausea today is really bad. Could this be a side affect of missing only one pill??? X
How is everyone feeling?: I've just come... - Anxiety Support
How is everyone feeling?

Well rather looking at the negatives that maybe you did not enjoy it as much as you should have done look at the positives you did it !
I think that missing one med maybe would not have made to much difference but could be more to do with the flight , the come down from feeling anxious etc
I am sure once you get over the jet lag and get settled at home again you will start to feel fine
Try and think of all the good memories of the holiday I am sure there will be plenty when you do
Take Care x
I agree, think about what you enjoyed about your holiday. Did you get a lot of sunshine while you were away? That would have been good to get your vitamin D stores built up. What did you do while there and did you enjoy that?
Also maybe your symptoms are worse cause you are stressing out about missing a tablet.
Just take your next one on time and remind yourself that everything is okay and focus on the good things about your day and your holiday.
Take care.
Thank you both.. I have to say I was hugely proud of myself for going, I was so tempted to back out at last minute but knew I couldn't let them down.. We did lots of fun activities and ate loads of food! I have felt brill today, I've managed to wash 2 suitcases worth of clothes and clean the whole of my house..
We did get a lot of sunshine yes, my youngest son has a vit d deficiency but hates being in the sun. Xx
Dang you 👌 kw i feel the same way my fiancé wants to go to maryland for the weekend and iam terrified to go. I hate leaving my comfort zone being in another state scares me... The what if i get a heart attack and iam away from my family.. Etc.. I know that feeling.

Yes it was horrible but I had to keep telling myself I've felt like this for ages now and still not had a heart attack so the chances are that I'm probably gonna be ok.. U will feel better in yourself if u do it, u can beat it, ur the boss! X