This is how i feel today my ears are so sensitive to noise i feel light headed and everything feels tense neck arms chest.I have butterflies in my stomach and finding it hard to concentrate on anything feel restless and sacred
Anyone relate: This is how i feel today my... - Anxiety Support
Anyone relate
I have days like that for no apparent reason. It lasts all day and won't let up.
Pleased its not just me then x
Hi Sharon. I get that really bad sometimes. I find the smallest, quietest of noises just ring in my ears and it drives me mad. I feel at my worst when I haven't had a good nights sleep.
Hope you're feeling better.
Hi Mandy I slept well last night its just the bloody negative thoughts all the time.Its hard work this anxiety
hi all sharoniou sorry to hear you are not too well i am the same today had to phone a friend to come and sit with me so scared that something is going to happen i dont know what to do i am not coping with these horrible feelings i only feel safe when i am with someone x
Hi sorry to hear you are having a bad day too,its a battle to cope with the feelings Im struggling at the moment x
i try so hard to be positive but i am having a lot of physcal problems pressure in ears dizziness and terrible hot sweats i start to do some chores but i have to stop soon my friends will be fed up with me my best friend told me yesterday that it is all in my head even though she could see me sweating and she keeps asking every day ARE YOU BETTER as if someone came in the night with a magic wand I WISH i have gone from being such a outgoing person to a nervous wreck i worked for 15 years on a psychiatric unit as an auxilliary nurse but never thought this would happen to me x
totally with you in this,if only there was a magic wand !!!!.I too was an outgoing person for 6 months I now hardly go out and I am up and down with anxiety,I also never thought this would happen to me and ask myself many many times why ????? Do you ever have pressure over your nose as If its sinus ??
hi, I get that top of the nose pressure like sinus.What helps me for that is one of those olbus sticks.Dont no why it works but it dose for me. Hope this helps.
Ah thank you will try that and you put my mind at rest.Silly little things send me into a panic
Hey if it works thats one less thing to worry about.Keep strong,
thank you xxx
me too honey ,,, i get loads of days like this and have to struggle just to do normal chores like the school run and stuff ,,, your never alone and im sure with the way the world is, its going to get even more common in the future xxxxx hope tomorrow is a better day for you xxxx
thank you xx hope you have a better day tomorrow also xx

thank you xxx so do i ,,, i feel totally drained after that migraine thing ,,,, going to bath and lay on the sofa with hubby xxx and hopefully get a good nights sleep xxxx anxiety is bad enough let alone throwing another alment in there for me to deal with xxxx glad we have somewhere to come and share our experiencesxxxxx
sleep well x
no dont have pain in my nose but i found olbas oil good for headache just put some on tissue and breathe in hope everyone has a better day tomorrow xx
HI, yes get these symptoms all the time, i havnt found a particular way to get rid of it i just wait for it to melow. xmas was the last really bad case of it i has, it felt never ending. x
I had a bad night and feel tired, anxious and everything is an effort today.
It's turned hot and I know sunny/hot weather makes me slightly depressed so I guess it could be that doing it.