I woke up this morning my head felt wobbly like i was a bobblehead but it feels like its on one side idk what it might be? My anxiety makes me feel so ugh 😠like alot is wrong with me
Help plz!: I woke up this morning my head... - Anxiety Support
Help plz!
I get all kinds of strange head sensations, try not to worry.do you get it a lot?
My anxiety makes me feel like better things are wrong with me too, but don't let it, tell yourself, it's just anxiety again, everything's fine X x
I know the feeling Nicole, all too well. Waking up in the morning, some people are able to literally jump out of bed with a smile yet...I am like you. My head feels weird, I tune into everything I feel that is wrong with my body and before you know it, I'm in panic mode. I believe what we are feeling is a normal response to have just waken up but our anxiety makes us think something is wrong.
Iknow it really sucks sometimes im even scared toget out of bed ...me i panic for anything but then i calm my self down . its crazy how anxiety works tho it sucks so badd..